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Key Information dialog box

Key Information tree
Shows the key information for the input file
Key compression group
Leading characters
Shows whether identical leading characters in the selected key are compressed
Trailing spaces
Shows whether trailing spaces in the selected key are compressed
Shows whether duplicate key values for the selected key are compressed
Key options group
Duplicate keys allowed?
Shows whether duplicate values are allowed for the selected key
Sparse Key?
Shows whether the selected key is a sparse key
Sparse character
Active when Sparse Key? is checked, and shows the character that indicates a sparse key value in either ANSI or EBCDIC depending on the selection from the drop-down list.
Key Component group
Key Offset
Specify the number of offset bytes for the key selected on the Key Information tree.
Key Length
Specify the length for the key selected on the Key Information tree.
Manipulate Keys and Components group
Insert Key Before
Insert a new key before the key selected on the Key Information tree.
Insert Key After
Insert a new key after the key selected on the Key Information tree.
Insert Component Before
Insert a new component before the component selected on the Key Information tree.
Insert Component After
Insert a new component after the component selected on the Key Information tree.
Delete Item
Delete the key or component selected on the Key Information tree.
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