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To define record keys for an indexed data file

  1. From either the Data File Convert or the Create file dialog box, click Define Keys.
  2. On the Key Information dialog box, click Insert Key. This creates a Prime Record Key.
  3. Click Prime Record Key on the tree view.
  4. Define the key using the fields and controls in the Key Compression and Key Options groups. For information on each field and control, see Key Information dialog box.
  5. To define a key component, select the component from the tree view; then complete the fields in the Key Component group. For information on each field, see Key Information dialog box.
  6. To insert an alternate key, click Prime Record Key on the tree view; then click Insert Key Before or Insert Key After.
  7. To insert an additional key component, select a component on the tree view; then click Insert Component Before or Insert Component After.
  8. If you have inserted an alternate key and/or an additional component, define each as you did for the Primary Record Key and its component(s).
  9. To delete a key or a component, select it on the tree view; then click Delete Item.
  10. To save your changes and close the Key Information dialog box, click OK.
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