
Using Session Pool Properties

To view and modify session pool properties, select the pool you want to work with, and click toolbar icon on the Session Server Explorer toolbar.

There are five groups of session server properties:


You can modify the options set when you created the session pool.

  • Max concurrent sessions Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions that can be active in this pool. This is the "high water mark" for the number of sessions that can be created. The value you specify for this option cannot exceed the server's global setting Maximum concurrent sessions, or your licensed session limit. If the session pool has the maximum number of clients connected, any additional runtime client connection request will result in an exception. You can configure the server to automatically notify an administrator when this situation arises by using email configuration or SNMP configuration.

  • Initial idle sessions Specifies the number of sessions that are preloaded by the server. This is the number of sessions that a server should preconnect. The idle session count cannot exceed the server's global setting Maximum Concurrent Sessions or your licensed session limit, which is displayed as the maximum value for this option. If the session pool uses a model variable list, plan for enough model variable list entries for the maximum number of concurrent sessions. Otherwise, when all entries are used, any attempt by an additional client to connect to the session pool will result in an exception.

Use Max Pending Sessions to control how quickly the sessions are preloaded.

Setting Initial idle sessions to a number equal to the expected number of concurrent sessions may provide better server performance.

  • Min idle sessions Minimum number of sessions to maintain.

  • Max idle sessions Maximum idle sessions cannot exceed the Maximum concurrent sessions defined for the pool, or your licensed session limit, which is displayed as the maximum value for this option.

  • Connection throttle delay (seconds) The amount of time to wait since the last host connection before attempting another. This option is often set to zero; it is usually preferable to use Max Pending Sessions.

  • Max retry backoff (minutes) Each time there is an error starting host sessions in a pool, the pool waits for an increasing amount time before trying again (it backs off). This option limits the retry backoff so the delay doesn't become too long.

  • Max pending sessions The maximum number of sessions trying to connect to the host simultaneously. The actual number may be much less if the sessions start and login rapidly. The pools might not be able to keep up. This setting is intended to protect the host from a denial of service attack, not to guarantee performance.

  • Model Debug Messages Recording Specifies the model debug reporting status for the model. Options include Disabled, Record Errors, Record Error Sessions, and Record Everything. Use the Design Tool Model Debug Messages feature to troubleshoot and debug your model. Configure recording options on the Server Properties page of the Administrative Console.


You can modify the model and host information for a session pool.

  • Model to use From the drop down list, select the model associated with the session pool.

  • Startup entity Specifies the entity the host session will be initialized to when a data object attaches to the host session. If the host session is returned to the pool when the data object releases it, it will automatically return to this entity for the next data object.

  • Host name Specifies the host the sessions in the pool connect to. The name specified here overrides the name stored in the model.

  • Host port Specifies the host port ID that the sessions in the pool connect to. The port ID specified here overrides the port ID stored in the model.

Model Variable Lists

Model variable list property page contains a table of all lists available to the pool and a table containing those lists that cannot be used by the pool for stated reasons. To add a model variable list, in the Session Server Explorer, right-click on Model Variable Lists, and select Add Model Variable List.

Model Variables

The Model variables property page contains a list of the variables defined in the model associated with the session pool. From this page, you can also add, edit, or remove fixed value model variables for the pool. See Working with Model Variables for more information about these options.


The pool schedule table contains the information supplied when scheduling pool start and stop activities.

To set up a schedule for the pool, click Add. The Add Schedule dialog box displays. See Scheduling Session Pools for information on how to create a pool schedule.

Web Services

The Web services property page contains settings to configure the Web service for the associated session pool. This is where you can override the session server properties set for the Web service and view the WSDL file. If you choose to override the session server values for a particular session pool, those settings are displayed in boldface. To see the configured session server Web service properties, click Open Session Server Properties.

Override session server settings Select this option to customize the session server properties on a pool-level basis. When you select this option you can set the following options for the selected pool.

Publish Web services for pooled sessions Select this option to make the Web service available for sessions associated with a particular pool.

Enable WS-Addressing and WS-Resource This setting is specific to SOAP Web services and does not affect REST services. If you are using SOAP services, select this option to have WS-Addressing and WS-Resource elements listed in the WSDL file for this selected pool. If you disable this option, the Web service will still execute requests using these elements, but the WSDL will not contain these elements. This can make the WSDL easier for some clients to consume.

Enable executeSQLStatement Web method Select this option to use the executeSQLStatement method for the selected pool. If you disable this option, the WSDL element and schema datatypes are removed from the WSDL and a client will not be able to execute this Web method.

Enable processString Web method Select this option to use the processString event handler method with the selected pool. If you disable this option, the WSDL element and schema datatypes are removed from the WSDL and a client will not be able to execute this Web method.

Method timeout The number of milliseconds to wait for a procedure to complete. If the timeout expires, clients will receive a SOAP fault indicating the timeout condition.

Suspend timeout The time, in minutes, that a session remains suspended. This timeout takes effect when you are using stateful Web services. If the timeout period is exceeded, the session is reclaimed, and clients will receive a SOAP fault stating that the session is no longer available when a stateful Web service attempts to execute against the session.

Specify a custom namespace for the pool Specify a custom namespace for the pool to use during deployment.

Show WSDL Click either HTTP or HTTPS (secure connection) to open the WSDL in the default browser. From the right-click menu, select Copy URL to copy the URL to the WSDL to the clipboard. The links will be disabled if you have not enabled the HTTP or HTTPS Web services options in the session server Web services property page or not published the Web services.

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