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To edit an enterprise server

  1. In the table of servers on the Home page of Server Enterprise Edition Administration, click Edit to the left of the row for the server that you want to edit.
  2. The top row of tabs displays Server, Listeners, Services, Handlers and Packages. Select the tab for the type of attribute you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button for each listener, service, handler or package that you want to edit.
  4. Update the attributes as required.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Server tab.
  7. Click one of the tabs: Properties, Control, and Diagnostics to select the type of attribute you want to update. The Properties page is the default.
  8. What you do next depends on what tab you selected in the previous step:
    • If you selected Properties, click one of the tabs General, XA Resources, MSS, Scripts, Permissions and Security to select the page containing the attributes you want to update. The General page is the default.
    • If you selected Control, you see the Control page. If the server is not running all you see is a message giving the server state. If the server is running, the number and type of processes will be displayed. Click ES Monitor & Control... to display server information and diagnostics.
    • If you selected Diagnostics, click one of the tabs Trace, Dump, ES Console and CS Console to select the page containing the attributes you want to update. The Trace page is the default.
  9. Update the attributes on the page as required.
  10. Click OK.
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