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To add a service listener to an enterprise server

  1. If the table of servers on the Home page is being displayed in summary form, expand it by clicking
    expand button
  2. Click Details in the Communications Processes cell for the server to which you want to add the listener.
  3. Click Add in the Listeners column for the communications process to which you want to add the listener.
  4. Specify a name for the service listener in Name.
  5. In Endpoint Address specify a host name or IP address to replace the first asterisk (*) and a port number to replace the second asterisk. You can leave the value as *:*, where the first asterisk (*) indicates the IP address of the current machine and the second indicates any available port number. Endpoint Protocol is always TCP.
  6. Choose an initial status from the list in Initial Status. Usually you should choose "Stopped".
  7. Click one button to choose a Supported Conversation Type for the listener:
    • Web Services / J2EE for client requests that use either of the conversation protocols supported by the Micro Focus request handlers, MFRHBINP and MFRHSOAP
    • Web for World Wide Web (HTTP) requests; Enterprise Server uses a Web listener for service deployment
    • Fileshare for Fileshare client requests
    • TN3270 for requests from TN3270 terminals
    • MSS Inter-System Communication for CICS Intersystem Communication (peer-to-peer) and for requests for CICS transactions from non-CICS programs. This conversation type handles both inbound and outbound calls. Only one listener of this type can be used with an enterprise server. The corresponding conversation type in previous Enterprise Server software releases is Micro Focus MTO Inter-System Communication.

      This conversation type uses Legacy Micro Focus Application Format.

    • MSS Inter-System Communication (inbound only) is similar in functionality to the MSS Inter-System Communications conversation type. The corresponding conversation type in previous Enterprise Server software releases is the MSS ISC type that did not have a name of Micro Focus MTO Inter-System Communciations.

      This conversation type uses Legacy Micro Focus Application Format.

    • CICS Transaction Gateway is similar in functionality to the previous two conversation types, except that it does not use Legacy Micro Focus Application Format.
    • Custom can be used for any other type of requests. You can select whethr or not to use Legacy Micro Focus Application Format.
  8. If you clicked Custom in step 6, enter the name of the connector module for this type of request in the entry field next to Custom.
  9. Specify any configuration information the listener requires in Configuration Information For information on what you can specify, see the section Configuration Information in the chapter Communication Processes and Service Listeners in your Configuration and Administration Guide.
  10. Specify a text description of the listener in Description (optional).
  11. Click Add.
  • You can also reach the Add Listener page by clicking Edit to the left of the server to which you want to add the listener, clicking the Listeners tab and clicking Add.

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