The ALTER command changes the attributes of an MVS data set.
The DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEX command creates an alternate index for an existing VSAM data set. It also automatically reindexes the data set to maintain consistency between the data and index files on the PC. The alternate index is contained within the same file as the primary index.
The DEFINE CLUSTER command creates a new VSAM data set. It creates the data and index files on the local machine and catalogs the data set name.
The DEFINE PATH command causes MFJAMS to create a dummy path data set so that any DD statement that refers to the data set will not fail. The data set is not needed for any other purpose because MFJAMS implements this function in a different way to the mainframe.
The DELETE command deletes up to 99 data sets. It can be used for both VSAM and non-VSAM data sets. It deletes the local files associated with the data set and removes the entry from the catalog.
The LISTCAT command lists the data set names contained in the catalog.
The PRINT command prints the contents of both VSAM and non-VSAM data sets. It prints a complete data set or part of a data set in character format, hexadecimal format or both formats.
The REPRO command copies the contents of one data set to another. The data sets can have either VSAM or sequential organization.
The SET command alters a condition code set by previous MFJAMS commands in this job step.
The VERIFY command attempts to open a VSAM data set in order to verify that it can be read and that the index is usable. The data set is assumed to be readable if it can be opened without error or if it is locked to another process.