Files and Data Sets
This section provides introductory information on how MSS uses the following types of file: Project files, System catalog files, User catalog files, Catalog files, Data set files, and Spool files
Advanced Data Set Information
This section expands on the information presented in the topic Files and Data Sets in your User's Guide.
Utility Programs MSS has a number of utility programs. Many of these emulate the functions of commonly-used mainframe batch utilities. You can invoke these utilities in a JCL jobstream or REXX exec.
MVS Emulation
This chapter describes how MSS emulates various facilities provided under MVS, OS/390 and z/OS on the mainframe.
Using JCL User Exits
The JCL component provides a facility called the JCL user exit, which enables you to monitor and control various events that occur during execution of a job or TSO session.