Now you need to configure your enterprise server instance to enable it to run AACT Assembler/CICS application.
- In the table of servers on the
Home page of Enterprise Server Administration, click
Edit to the left of the row for the
AACT enterprise server.
- On the
Server > Properties > MSS > CICS tab, type
ASMSIT into the
System Initialization Table field. The ASMSIT is provided for you and contains all of the resource information necessary to run the AACT application.
- In the
Transaction Path, and
File Path fields, specify the location of the AACT files and transaction programs:
- In the
Map Path field, specify the location for BMS output files:
- In the
Resource Definition File Path field, specify the location of your
dfhdrdat resource definition file:
- Click
At this point you have enabled Assembler and CICS support for this enterprise server and specified the appropriate resources and locations of the relevant files.