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To Display Configuration Information and Region State

You can output the current configuration from the MFBSI global configuration file and MFBSI region state to the console.
Do one of the following:
  • For Windows, Choose Start > All Programs > Micro Focus Studio Enterprise Edition x.x > Compatibility Tools > Net Express Command Prompt (32-bit). Execute the command RUN mfbsijcl /Show from the command prompt.
  • For UNIX, from a session where your COBOL environment is defined, enter COBRUN mfbsijcl /Show.
Current configuration information and MFBSI region state output to STDOUT.
This is an example of the output.
JCLSI0000I MFBSIJCL FDS version 2.2.01

JCLSI0000I Region name: ES-MFBSI
JCLSI0000I MFBSI Global configuration file found:
JCLSI0000I       - ES-Server=-rES-MFBSI
JCLSI0000I       - SYS-ABEND-RC=20
JCLSI0000I       - USR-ABEND-RC=20
JCLSI0000I       - JCL-Submit=-jC:\MicroFocus\Netxproj\ES_JCL\MFBSI\JCL
JCLSI0000I       - JCL-Ext=Jcl
JCLSI0000I       - SJobID=JobNo
JCLSI0000I       - SkelProcessType=MFBSI
JCLSI0000I       - AutoEdit
JCLSI0000I MFBSI region state: up and running.
JCLSI0000I Validate the Server state using the Web Administration.
Note: The MFBSI determines region state based on the existence of the file [RegionName].Started or [RegionName].Shutdown in the folder defined by MFBSI_DIR.
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