Just before terminating, MFBSIJCL can invoke a termination user exit.
Use the parameter TerminateExit to specify the name of the termination user exit module to be called. Use the Mfbsiue2.cpy interface as shown.
* -- copybook "MFBSIUE2" -- 01 ES-UserExit-MFBSIJCL-Terminate. **> MFBSIJCL exit's common area 05 ES-UE-CommonArea pic x(1024). **> Input parameters *> OS Environment 05 ESue2-OS pic x(1). 88 ESue2-Windows value '0'. 88 ESue2-UNIX value '1'. *> SJoBID 05 ESue2-Job-ID pic x(16). *> ES server name 05 ESue2-ESserver pic x(8). *> Full name of JCL file that was submitted 05 ESue2-JCLfile pic x(256). *> MFBSI_DIR directory 05 ESue2-MFBSI-DIR pic x(256). *> Execution mode: submit JCL or JOB restart 05 ESue2-ExecutionMode pic x(01). 88 ESue2-ExecNormal value 'N'. 88 ESue2-ExecRESTART value 'R'. 05 filler pic x(14). * **> Input/Output parameters 05 ESue2-ReturnCode pic 9(9) comp-5 . * **> Delimiter 05 ESue2-X00 pic x(1).
This interface copybook file can be found in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition x.x\base\source.
A sample COBOL program mfbsiue2.cbl can be found in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Studio Enterprise Edition x.x\base\source.