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Enabling CTF Tracing for MFBSIEMX

MFBSIEMX, the Event Manager user exit for MFBSI is CTF enabled. Its activity can be traced via the Micro Focus Consolidated Tracing Facility. Use this procedure to enable tracing for MFBSIEMX.

  1. Create a text file using this sample.
    # MFTRACE configuration file
    #mftrace.emitter.textfile#Format = $(TIME) $(THREAD) $(COMPONENT) $(EVENT) $(LEVEL) :$(DATA)
    #mftrace.emitter.textfile#location = C:\MicroFocus\Netxproj\ES_JCL\MFBSI\ES-MFBSI
    mftrace.dest                     = binfile
    mftrace.emitter.binfile#location = C:\MicroFocus\Netxproj\ES_JCL\MFBSI\ES-MFBSI
    mftrace.level                 = none
    mftrace.level.mfbsi           = info
    mftrace.level.mfbsi.emx#all   = true

    Replace C:\MicroFocus\Netxproj\ES_JCL\MFBSI\ES-MFBSI with your CTF trace files folder. See a model of this in the MFBSI demo folder.

  2. Access your configuration information and add the line MFTRACE_CONFIG=[Full_Location_of_CTF_cfg.file] to your configuration file.

    For example:


  3. Stop and restart your enterprise server.
  4. In the CTF folder, verify that a file named either casevmgr.textfile.[Process-ID].log or casevmgr.binfile.[Process-ID].ctb exists (where [Process-ID] is the ID of the process. The file created is based on the emitter selection. In Windows, the bin file can be examined with the CTF Viewer.
    Event Description
    0 MFBSIEMX initialization started.
    1 MFBSI_DIR setting not found.

    File can not be created in the folder specified by MFBSI_DIR. Check the file status code.

    3 MFBSIEMX initialization ended.
    9 Enterprise server shutdown process started.
    10 Job execution started.
    11 Job execution ended.
    12 Job concluded.
    19 Batch SEP termination.

    Unexpected file status during MFBSIEMX execution.

    Note: File status 0/005 in the associated data usually indicates a JCL error.
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