The database name input to the Reorganize function must be a primary physical database which has been defined using DBDGEN. This DBD name must be a type of database which is supported by the Load function. See the The Load Function's Inputs and Outputs topic for the database qualifications.
Database Data Files
The database data files are read and updated by Reorganize using the Unload, Load, and PtrUpdate functions.
Secondary index databases do not have to be available when starting reorganization. They will be re-created during the Load step.
The Unload function does not require the logical parent databases when unloading its logical child database. However, Reorganize uses Makelist to create Unload steps for each related database. All of the databases which are logically related must be available prior to starting Reorganize.
Database unload work files containing the segment data are created during this process. These files are named using the DBD name with an 'ORG' extension. They are created in the project listing directory. For reference, they are an Unload file created with the directives LAYOUT(D) and COMPRESSION(CBLDC001). They are deleted upon successful completion of the Reorganize.
A Runlist command file is created with the name DBUREORG.RUN. It contains the steps to perform the reorganization. It is always placed in the current directory and is not deleted upon successful completion. You can use this file as a model for creating your own reorganization scripts. Be sure to copy it to a new name as the next Reorganize function will re-create it. You may need this file to recover from an incomplete reorganization.