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The Load Function's Inputs and Outputs


There are a variety of input file formats supported for loading databases.

The database to be loaded must be a primary physical DBD or GSAM DBD which has been defined using DBDGEN. An automatic Zeroload is performed for physical databases. GSAM databases do not require the Zeroload step. A Load is not required, and should not be run, for any other kinds of databases. An error message will result if you attempt to Load one of the following databases:

  • The primary index for a HIDAM database. A primary index database is not required. The .IDX component of an MFIMS database is the equivalent of this index and is created automatically when loading the primary database.
  • Secondary index databases. These are created automatically when loading the primary database they index. A secondary index DBD which defines non-unique keys must be Genned prior to performing a Load for the primary database. When loading a database which contains segment data, any 'user data' in the index will be lost.
  • Databases defined as ACCESS=LOGICAL. The physical databases contain the required pointers to support logical relationships.

Exclusive use databases and shared update Fileshare databases can be loaded. IMSDBU does not support loading of Remote IMS or User Exit databases. The DBUTIL utility can be used for loading User Exit databases. You must develop your own program if you need to load a Remote IMS database from the workstation.

Shared read-only databases must be loaded as an exclusive use or shared update Fileshare database and copied to the shared directory.


The database data files are created and loaded by this function. Any secondary index databases are also created and loaded. If the database contains logical children definitions, the PtrUpdate function must be run before the database can be accessed by an application program.

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