Retrieves the Oracle OCI error code if an OCI error occurred during the last Silk Performer Oracle API function call.
OraOciError(): number;
Oracle OCI error code.
A Silk Performer Oracle API error has occurred if a Silk Performer Oracle API function fails and the OraOciError returns 0. In this case, the OraApiError function can be used to retrieve the Silk Performer Oracle API error code
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlSelect); // select row from non existing table OraIgnoreError(cCursor, 942); OraExec(cCursor); write("Oracle OCI error: "); write(OraOciError()); writeln; write(OraLastErrorText()); writeln; OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlSelect: SELECT * FROM non_existing_table;
Oracle OCI error: 942 OCI-API Class 0 Error (Warning) 942 in OraExec(OEXEC, OEXN): ORA-00942: table or view does not exist