Retrieves the error message describing the last error that occurred. The error code can be retrieved using the OraOciError function and the OraApiError function.
OraLastErrorText(): string;
error message
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlDelete); // Oracle error 900: invalid SQL statement OraIgnoreError(cCursor, 900); // execute invalid SQL statement OraExec(cCursor); write(OraLastErrorText()); OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlDelete: REMOVE FROM my_table; // invalid SQL statement
OCI-API Class 0 Error (Warning) 900 in OraExec(OEXEC, OEXN): ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement