Retrieves the Silk Performer Oracle API error code if an API error occurred during the last Silk Performer Oracle API function call. A Silk Performer Oracle API error occurs because of incorrect use of the Silk Performer Oracle API and stops the simulation by default.
OraApiError(): number;
Oracle API error code
var hConnection : number; cCursor : cursor; dcltrans transaction TMain begin OraLogon(hConnection, "user", "password", "orclnet2"); OraOpen(cCursor, hConnection); OraParse(cCursor, sqlInsert); // array binding: three elements OraBind(cCursor, ":name", SQLT_CHR, 32, 3); OraBind(cCursor, ":age", SQLT_INT, 0, 3); // cause API error: index is too large OraSetString(cCursor, ":name", "Tom", 5); write("Oracle API error: "); write(OraApiError()); writeln; write(OraLastErrorText()); writeln; OraExec(cCursor); OraClose(cCursor); OraLogoff(hConnection); end TMain; dclsql sqlInsert: INSERT INTO persons (name, age) VALUES (:name, :age);
Oracle API error: 26 ORA-API Class 0 Error (Warning) 26 in OraBind: ORAAPI: 26 - Index in OraSet/OraGet function is larger than maximum array size set in OraBind.