After you launch the session, configure some basic Profiling settings. You do not need to be connected to the host to configure settings.
NOTE:This evaluation focuses on deploying the Reflection for the Web Launcher, rather than configuring terminal session settings. To configure more emulation settings now or later, see Session (Client) Features.
When you log on as an administrator and launch a session from the Administrative Console, all of the menu options are visible and enabled. The end users, however, can access only the menu options that are selected in the Profiler.
Use the Reflection for the Web Profiler to restrict access to entire menus, dialog boxes, toolbars, or to specific items within them. You can accept the defaults or experiment with different settings.
In the session you just created and launched, click Administration > User Interface Profiler.
Select the Profile type for your end users. The default is Basic.
Click the different Profile types to see what is enabled or restricted on the Menu profiling tab. For instance, the Basic Profile type restricts the Macro and Administration menus in the user interface
Then, look at the Dialog box profiling and Toolbar profiling options that can be locked (or unlocked) for this profile. Click OK.
Click Help for more information.
When you finish configuring the emulation features, save the session by clicking File > Save and Exit (and Save/Exit, if prompted).
This eval3270 session is then added to the Manage Sessions list in the MSS Administrative Console, viewable by administrators.
Now that you created and configured a terminal session, you are ready to assign and deploy the session to end users. Note: End users cannot access a session until the session is assigned and deployed to them.