3.6 Step 6. Assign and deploy the session

Use Assign Access to give authorized users access to specific sessions, which will then appear on their list of Assigned Sessions.

  1. In the MSS Administrative Console, click Assign Access.

  2. If LDAP authorization is enabled, you can Search for a particular user or group.

    For this evaluation, you may want to choose a small subset of users.

    Otherwise, All users in the selected domain will be given access to each session you assign. See Help for more information.

  3. With the user or group selected, check the session you just created, eval3270, in the Sessions list.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. In the MSS Administrative Console, click Currently Assigned to see that eval3270 is assigned to All Users.

  6. In the Manage Sessions list, click the session name to see the direct URL for the session.

  7. Deploy the session and—the Reflection for the Web Launcher—by choosing a distribution option.

Next: Step 7. Distribute the Reflection for the Web Launcher