Stops capturing incoming host data to a file and closes the trace file.
Return Value
One of the following ReturnCode enumeration values.
Member |
Description |
Cancelled |
Cancelled. |
Error |
Error. |
PermissionRequired |
Permission is required. |
Success |
Success. |
Timeout |
Timeout condition. |
Truncated |
The text is truncated. |
This sample shows how to capture incoming host data and save it to a file.
Sub Trace()
Dim rcode As ReturnCode
Dim fName As String
fName = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Documents\Micro Focus\Reflection\Logs\r-log.rev"
rcode = ThisTerminal.StartTrace(fName, TraceFileExistsOption_OverWrite, TraceFormatOption_TraceDefault)
ThisScreen.SendKeys "demo"
ThisScreen.SendControlKey ControlKeyCode_Enter
rcode = ThisTerminal.StopTrace
End Sub