Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Attachmate.Reflection.Objects.Emulation.OpenSystems Library / Terminal Object / CharacterSetTranslationEnabled Property
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CharacterSetTranslationEnabled Property
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Gets or sets the character set translation state.
expression.CharacterSetTranslationEnabled As Boolean
where expression is a variable that represents a Terminal Object
When this property is set to true, Reflection translates characters between the PC character set and the appropriate national character set (Roman 8 or Digital Multinational) as data is read from or stored to disk. When TranslateCharacters is set to false, any character can be transmitted or captured without being translated.

This property affects printing, disk operations, and ASCII file transfers.

This property also affects translations between the Windows character set (ANSI) and the ASCII character set on disk operations.

The default value is true. The value of this property is not saved to a settings file.
See Also