Gets the row number of the top row of the screen (in host-addressable coordinates).
expression.ScreenTopRow As Integer
expression is a variable that represents a
Screen Object
Property Value
The ScreenTopRow value is always 1 unless Reflection is emulating an HP host terminal. For HP terminals, the value is equal to the number of rows of display memory above what the host would consider to be the top row on the screen. This can be different from the top row that is visible in the window if the user has scrolled using the scroll bar.
This example checks the attributes for each character on a screen.
Sub CheckCharacterAttributes()
Dim charAttr As CharacterAttributes
Dim row, minRow, maxRow As Integer
Dim column, minColumn, maxColumn As Integer
Dim thisAttribute As Integer
'Set the boundaries for rows and columns
With ThisScreen
minRow = .ScreenTopRow
maxRow = .DisplayRows - 1
minColumn = 1
maxColumn = .DisplayColumns - 1
End With
'check character attributes for each screen position
For row = minRow To maxRow - 1
For column = minColumn To maxColumn
'Get the character at this screen position
charAttr = ThisScreen.GetCharacterAttributes(row, column)
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_NoCharacter Then
Debug.Print "not a character"
'Check the attributes for each character.
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_Blink Then
Debug.Print "Blinking starts at row " & row & "and column " & column
End If
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_Bold Then
Debug.Print "Bold starts at row " & row & "and column " & column
End If
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_Plain Then
Debug.Print "No attributes are set"
End If
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_Reverse Then
Debug.Print "Reverse video starts at row " & row & "and column " & column
End If
If charAttr = CharacterAttributes_Underline Then
Debug.Print "Underline starts at row " & row & "and column " & column
End If
End If
End Sub