| Name | Description |
 | AbsoluteRow | Gets or sets how Reflection calculates the cursor row position shown in the status bar display for VT emulations only. |
 | AutoLinefeed | Gets or sets whether Reflection appends a line-feed character to each transmitted or received carriage return character. |
 | AutoRepeat | Gets or sets whether keys repeat when you hold them down. (The SHIFT, ENTER, and CTRL keys never auto repeat.) |
 | AutoScroll | Gets or sets whether Auto Scroll is on for Wyse, DG, and ADDS terminal emulation only. |
 | BreakEnabled | Gets or sets whether a break can be transmitted to the host computer. |
 | BreakLength | Gets or sets the length (in milliseconds) of the break signal. |
 | CapsLock | Gets or sets whether the CapsLock keyboard function is in effect. |
 | ClearDisplayOnWidthChangeEnabled | Gets or sets whether the screen display is cleared when the number of screen columns changes. |
 | ColumnsPerScroll | Gets or sets the number of columns (or character positions) to roll right or left during one horizontal scrolling operation with CTRL+Left or CTRL+Right. |
 | CompensateFrameSpaces | Gets or sets how Reflection handles spaces when aligning data on screen. |
 | CompressBlankLinesEnabled | Gets or sets how Reflection handles blank lines in display memory. |
 | CopyDataFormat | Gets or sets the copy data format. |
 | CopyGraphicsBackground | Gets or sets whether bitmaps copied to the Clipboard are edited to set the background color to white and near-white colors to black. |
 | CopyGraphicsVGAColors | Gets or sets whether bitmaps copied to the Clipboard are dithered to standard VGA colors. |
 | CopyTableMethod | Gets or sets the copy table method. |
 | CursorColumn | Returns the column that contains the cursor in the terminal window, relative to the left edge of the screen. |
 | CursorRow | Returns the row that contains the cursor in the terminal window, relative to the top of the screen (in host-addressable coordinates). |
 | DisplayColumns | Gets or sets the number of columns displayed in the terminal window. |
 | DisplayEnabled | Gets or sets whether Reflection displays characters received from the host during the execution of any of the following methods: WaitForString, WaitForStrings, ReadChars, ReadLine, or ReadUntil. |
 | DisplayMemoryBlocks | Gets or sets the number of 8-kilobyte blocks allocated to display memory. |
 | DisplayMemoryTopRow | Returns the index of the top row of display memory (in host-addressable coordinates). |
 | DisplayRows | Gets or sets the number of lines in each page of display memory. |
 | DrawingOptimization | Gets or sets whether Reflection uses drawing optimization features to control the timing of changes to the screen display. |
 | DynamicTerminalSize | Gets or sets whether Reflection supports dynamic update of the number of rows and columns in the display when the user resizes the terminal window. |
 | EndOfLineWrap | This property returns or specifies what happens when typing reaches the right margin (that is, the end of a line). |
 | ForceAutoRepeat | When this property is set to true, Reflection ignores the current value of the AutoRepeat property and always auto repeats (causing most keys to repeat when you hold the key down). |
 | IbmCharInsertionOption | Gets or sets how character insertion is handled during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmClearModified | Gets or sets whether to clear the MDT (Modified Data Tag) after data is sent to the host during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmEnterKey | Gets or sets what the ENTER key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmIgnoreNull | Gets or sets whether nulls received from the host are ignored during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmInsertion | Gets or sets what the INSERT key does in a 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmIsBlockMode | Gets or sets the Block mode state for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmLineInsertionOption | Gets or sets how line insertion is handled during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmReceivedCR | Gets or sets how a received carriage return is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmReceivedLF | Gets or sets how a received line feed is interpreted in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmReturnKey | Gets or sets what the RETURN key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmSendKey | Gets or sets what the SEND key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmSendTrailingNulls | Gets or sets whether trailing nulls are sent to the host during IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmTabKey | Gets or sets what the TAB key does in a IBM 3151 terminal session (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | IbmTurnAroundChar | Gets or sets the LineTurnAround (LTA) character for IBM 3151 terminal sessions (TerminalType = IBM3151). |
 | ImageColorMapFleshtonePriority | Gets or sets what happens when a 256-color image is pasted from the Clipboard to the Reflection terminal window. |
 | ImageDither | Gets or sets what happens when a 256-color image is pasted from the Clipboard to the Reflection terminal window. |
 | ImageUseCurrentColorMap | Gets or sets what happens when color bitmaps are pasted from the Clipboard. |
 | InactivityEventsIgnoreKeyboardMouse | Gets or sets how Reflection handles keyboard and mouse actions with events that are scheduled to execute after a period of inactivity. |
 | InsertMode | Gets or sets whether characters can be added to text in the terminal window without typing over existing characters. |
 | IsJISRoman | This property returns or specifies how character 92 is displayed by default when HostCharacterSet is set to DECKanji1983 or DECKanji1978. |
 | IsKeyboardLocked | Gets or sets whether or not the keyboard and the toolbar are locked (that is, they cannot be used). |
 | JumpScrollSpeed | Gets or sets how Reflection manages data that enters display memory. |
 | MaintainUnscaledImage | By default, Reflection scales images down so that an entire image fits on the PC display. |
 | MarginBellEnabled | Gets or sets whether a bell sounds when the cursor reaches the column that is eight spaces left of the right margin. |
 | MarginClickSelectsLine | Gets or sets what occurs when the mouse is clicked in the left margin of the terminal window. |
 | MouseColumn | Returns the column location where the mouse was last clicked in the terminal screen. |
 | MouseRow | Returns the row location (in host-addressable coordinates) where the mouse was last clicked within the terminal screen. |
 | MultiplePageTerminal | If you run a host application that requires the terminal to have a single page of memory (24 lines), set this property to false. |
 | NumLock | Gets or sets whether the NumLock keyboard function is on or off. |
 | OnDemandFontsEnabled | On-demand font-loading (ODL) is a Digital Japan feature that was added to Reflection version 5.2 (along with related features such as VT382 font-preloading and Gyoukan-Keisen line drawing). |
 | PageCoupling | Gets or sets whether the cursor is coupled to the current page in page memory, or if moving the cursor to another page causes that page to be displayed. |
 | Parent | Gets the parent object (Terminal). |
 | PasteBufferSize | Gets or sets the size of a "paste block" (that is, the number of characters pasted from the Clipboard to the terminal window before a pause occurs). |
 | PasteDelay | Gets or sets how long (in tenths of a second) Reflection waits between "paste blocks" when pasting data from the Clipboard into display memory. |
 | ReGISMoveMouse | Gets or sets what happens to the ReGIS cursor when you move the Windows mouse to a location in the Reflection terminal window that is different from the position the host has established. |
 | ReGISRestoreTextColors | Gets or sets whether Reflection restores text colors after ReGIS graphics have been drawn. |
 | RetainDisplayFormat | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to retain formatting so that copied text is pasted in the same way as it is displayed in the terminal. When set to false, formatting is removed from copied text. |
 | ReverseVideo | Gets or sets whether the foreground and background colors for screen attributes are reversed. |
 | SavePageOnClear | Gets or sets whether onscreen data is saved in display memory when the host clears the display. |
 | ScreenHotSpots | Pertains to hotspots behavior. |
 | ScreenPrinting | Retrieves a Printing object, which is used to obtain and specify information that pertains to printing behavior. |
 | ScreenSettleTime | Gets or sets the time duration during which there are no changes to host data. |
 | ScreenTopRow | Gets the row number of the top row of the screen (in host-addressable coordinates). |
 | ScrollOptimization | Gets or sets when Reflection uses an off-screen bitmap to speed up scrolling. |
 | Selection | Returns information about current selection. |
 | SelectionMode | Gets the type of region that is selected. |
 | ShowControlCharacters | When this property is set to true, Reflection displays control characters but does not execute the functions these characters would otherwise perform. |
 | SlashZeros | |
 | SmoothScroll | Gets or sets the scroll speed setting. |
 | TektronixDefaultFontSize | Gets or sets the default font size for Tektronix emulation. |
 | TransmitXonXoffEnabled | When this property is set to false, CTRL+S executes the hold screen keyboard function, and CTRL+Q cancels the hold screen. (Neither keystroke transmits anything to the host.) |
 | TVIAttributeBaseMode | Gets or sets how visual attributes are applied for TVI terminal emulations (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVIAttributeSpaceEnabled | Gets or sets whether a visual attribute occupies a character space in display memory when Reflection emulates a TVI terminal (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVIBottomStatusLine | Gets or sets usage and display of the bottom status line for TVI terminal emulations (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVICompatibility | Gets or sets which TVI emulation type Reflection uses when TerminalType is set to TVI955. |
 | TVIDownKeySends | Gets or sets the action of the DOWN key in TVI terminal emulations (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVIFunctionKeySet | Gets or sets which function key set is available to the keyboard for TVI terminal emulations (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVIStatusLineAttribute | Gets or sets how the top and bottom status line appear in the Reflection terminal window in a TVI terminal emulation (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | TVITopStatusLine | Gets or sets usage and display of the top status line in TVI terminal emulations (TerminalType = TVI955). |
 | UseAnsiColor | Gets or sets whether the host can transmit ANSI color sequences to Reflection, thereby changing the foreground and background colors for characters displayed in the terminal window. |
 | UseKatakanaCharacterSet | Gets or sets whether the Katakana or Kanji character set is used by default when HostCharacterSet is set to DECKanji1983 or DECKanji1978. |
 | VerticalCoupling | Gets or sets whether the row in which the cursor is located remains in the terminal window regardless of how the terminal window is resized or which screen font size is used. |
 | VTBackspaceSends | |
 | VTCursorKey | |
 | VTKeyPad | |
 | WordSelectionBoundaryExclusive | Gets or sets a string of characters that mark the beginning or end of a word when using a mouse to select words in the terminal window. |
 | WordSelectionBoundaryInclusive | Gets or sets a string of characters that mark the beginning or end of a word when using a mouse to select words in the terminal window. |
 | WyseAttribute | Gets or sets the Wyse terminal display attribute mode (for Wyse terminal emulations only). |
 | WyseBlockMode | Gets or sets whether a Wyse terminal is in Block Mode. |
 | WyseBlockTerminator | Gets or sets the end-of-transmission delimiter for block sends (for Wyse terminal emulations only). |
 | WyseDelKeyAsDestructiveBackspace | Gets or sets how a DEL character is handled for Wyse terminal emulation only. |
 | WyseEnterKey | Gets or sets what is sent to the host when the ENTER key is pressed (for Wyse terminal emulations only). |
 | WyseLabelLines | Gets or sets how many label lines are visible (for Wyse terminal emulation only). |
 | WyseProtectMode | Gets or sets whether the terminal is in Protect Mode (for Wyse terminal emulation only). |
 | WyseReceivedCR | Gets or sets how a received carriage return (CR) is interpreted (in Wyse terminal emulations only). |
 | WyseReturnKey | Gets or sets what is sent to the host when the RETURN key is pressed (for Wyse terminal emulations only). |
 | WyseStatusLineDisplay | Gets or sets whether the Wyse status line at the top of the screen is set to Off, Standard, or Edit. |