ShowMacroDialog Method (Macro)
Displays the Run Macro dialog box.
This example opens the Macros dialog box when a specific screen is identified.
To run this example, copy this code to ThisIbmScreen code window.
Private Sub IbmScreen_NewScreenReady(ByVal sender As Variant)
Dim ScreenID1 As String
Dim Rtn As ReturnCode
'Get the string at this screen position that uniquely identifies the screen
'For this example, the text at row 1 and column 7 is 'ATM5'
ScreenID1 = ThisIbmScreen.GetText(1, 7, 4)
'If the screen ID is 'ATM5', open the Macros dialog box
If ScreenID1 = "ATM5" Then
End If
End Sub