Reflection Desktop VBA Guide
Key Concepts / Using Predefined Constants
Using Predefined Constants

Reflection frequently uses predefined constants in place of numbers to make macros easier to read. Predefined constants may be used as method arguments, property values, or error codes.

The last two lines in the following example show equivalent ways to handle errors in IBM sessions. The first statement uses a Reflection predefined constant, and the second statement uses the numeric equivalent:

Using a predefined constant
Copy Code
Dim ret As ReturnCode
ret=ThisIbmScreen.WaitForHostSett(6000, 3000)
If ret = ReturnCode.ReturnCode_Timeout Then MsgBox "Time out"
If ret = 4 Then MsgBox "Time out"

Using Predefined Constants in Other Applications

You can use Reflection predefined constants in other applications by selecting the Reflection class libraries.

  1. In the Visual Basic Editor, choose Tools > References.
  2. Select the Reflection class libraries:





  3. To use legacy predefined constants in other applications, select the appropriate class library.

 For this legacy application

 Select this class assembly

 Reflection for IBM


 Reflection  for ReGIS Graphics


 Reflection  for UNIX and OpenVMS
