Controlling Macro Execution
There are a number of ways to execute macros:
Setting up Keyboard Maps or Buttons for Macros
Running Macros When Certain Events Occur
Running Macros When Certain Screens Are Recognized
Running Reflection Macros from Excel or Another Application
Running a Macro in Another Session Document
Running a Macro in the Common Project
Setting up Keyboard Shortcuts or Buttons for Macros
You can set up macros to run from keyboard shortcuts or from buttons on the interface.
Setting up Keyboard Shortcuts to Run Macros
You can add a keyboard shortcut that runs a macro by modifying the keyboard map for your session. You can do this in two ways:
- You can set up a shortcut and save it in a session file (see Add a Keyboard Shortcut in the Reflection Help). If you use this approach, you will need to make sure this custom file is deployed with the session.
- You can run a macro that dynamically maps the keyboard shortcut to your macro. One advantage of this approach is that you do not have to risk writing over other keyboard map customizations users may have already made. Another one is that you don't need to deploy a keyboard map file. To set up a keyboard shortcut dynamically, see Change Keyboard Mapping on-the-fly.
Setting up Buttons to Run Macros
You can add buttons to the Reflection Ribbon that run macros (see "Add a Button to Run a Macro" in the Reflection Help.)
You can also display the button or make it active only on certain screens or for certain users (see Dynamically Change the User Interface.)
Note: If you add a button, you will need to deploy a custom ribbon (ribbon.xuml) file with the session.
Running Macros When Certain Events Occur
You can trigger macros with events. Key Reflection events occur when:
- The state of terminal screen changes.
- Before and after data is sent the host.
- The cursor moves into or out of a field.
- Sessions are opened or closed or connected or disconnected.
- Unredacted credit card data is displayed.
This sample runs a macro before the session closes.
Running a macro when the mouse is clicked on the screen |
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Sub TurnOnScratchPad()
'Toggle the Scratchpad on or off
ThisIbmTerminal.Productivity.ScratchPadPanelVisible = True
End Sub
Private Sub IbmScreen_MouseClick(ByVal windowMessage As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
'Run a macro that toggles the Scratchpad on or off
End Sub
Running a macro when the mouse is clicked on the screen |
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Sub Demo()
Debug.Print "Run this Macro when the mouse is clicked"
Debug.Print "Row: " & ThisScreen.MouseRow
Debug.Print "Column: " & ThisScreen.MouseColumn
End Sub
Private Sub Screen_MouseClick(ByVal windowMessage As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
'Run a Macro
End Sub
Running macros When Certain Screens or Strings Are Recognized
You can automatically run macros when certain screens are displayed.
This sample runs a macro after the second screen of the Reflection IBM3270 demo is recognized. It gets the text in a specific location after each screen is ready and compares it to the text found on this location on the second screen.
Running a macro when a screen is recognized |
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Sub DemoMacro()
Debug.Print "Run this macro on the second screen of the IBM demo"
End Sub
Private Sub IbmScreen_NewScreenReady(ByVal sender As Variant)
Dim ScreenID1 As String
Dim Rtn As ReturnCode
'On the second screen of the demo, the text in this location is ATM5
ScreenID1 = ThisIbmScreen.GetText(1, 7, 4)
If ScreenID1 = "ATM5" Then
'run the macro
End If
End Sub
This sample runs a macro after the tabular data on the Reflection UNIX demo is displayed. It uses the WaitForString method to identify the prompt for the data. (The string used to identify the prompt was obtained from a recorded macro.)
Running a macro after a returned string is recognized |
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Sub DemoMacro()
Debug.Print "Run this Macro after the data is displayed"
End Sub
Private Sub Screen_ControlKeySent(ByVal sender As Variant, ByVal Key As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_OpenSystems.ControlKeyCode)
Dim returnValue As ReturnCode
returnValue = ThisScreen.WaitForString3(LF & "Command> ", 1000, WaitForOption.WaitForOption_AllowKeystrokes)
If (returnValue = ReturnCode_Success) Then
Debug.Print "Run Macro"
End If
End Sub
Running Reflection Macros from Excel or Another Application
You can run Reflection macros from Excel.
This Excel macro runs the TurnOnScratchPad macro in a Reflection session. The session must be open and have focus in the Reflection workspace
Running a Reflection macro from Excel |
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Sub RunAMacro()
Dim app As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Framework.ApplicationObject
Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_IbmHosts.IbmTerminal
Dim view As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.view
Dim frame As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.frame
'Make sure a Reflection session that has the TurnOnScratchPad macro is running
On Error Resume Next
Set app = GetObject("Reflection Workspace")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'no workspace
MsgBox "Please open a Reflection session before running this"
Exit Sub
End If
'Get handles to the frame, view, and terminal objects
Set frame = app.GetObject("Frame")
Set view = frame.SelectedView
Set terminal = view.Control
'Run the macro in module1
terminal.Macro.RunMacro2 MacroEnumerationOption_Document, "ThisIbmTerminal.TurnOnScratchPad"
End Sub
Running a Reflection macro from Excel |
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Sub RunAnOpenSystemsMacro()
Dim app As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Framework.ApplicationObject
Dim terminal As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects_Emulation_OpenSystems.terminal
Dim view As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.view
Dim frame As Attachmate_Reflection_Objects.frame
'Make sure a Reflection session that has the TurnOnScratchPad macro is running
On Error Resume Next
Set app = GetObject("Reflection Workspace")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'no workspace
MsgBox "Please open a Reflection session before running this"
Exit Sub
End If
'Get handles to the frame, view, and terminal objects
Set frame = app.GetObject("Frame")
Set view = frame.SelectedView
Set terminal = view.Control
'Run the macro in module1
terminal.Macro.RunMacro2 0, "ThisTerminal.TurnOnScratchPad"
End Sub
Running a Macro in Another Session Document
To access a macro in another session document VBA project, you can reference that project in the Visual Basic Editor. The advantage of a reference is that you can maintain a single copy of your macros in a centrally located project. If you make changes to a macro, all projects that reference it get the updated version. Changes you make to your referenced project have no effect on session documents that reference your project or to the macros they contain.
To reference a project, follow the same process you use to add an object library reference.
To run a referenced macro
- From the Visual Basic Editor, select Tools > References.
- From the Reference dialog box, find the opened project in the list box, select the check box for the referenced project, and then click OK.
- In the Visual Basic Editor, use one of the Reflection RunMacro methods to run the macro.
This example runs a macro in the demoSession.rd3x session document. (This session must be open to run the macro.)
Running a macro in another session |
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Sub RunAMacro()
Dim terminal As IbmTerminal
Dim viewObj As view
'Get handles to the frame, view, and terminal objects
'Set terminal = ThisFrame.SelectedView.titleText
Set viewObj = ThisFrame.GetViewByTitleText("demoSession.rd3x")
Set terminal = viewObj.control
'Run the macro in module1
terminal.Macro.RunMacro2 MacroEnumerationOption_Document, "Module1.TurnOnScratchPad"
End Sub
Running a macro in another session |
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Sub RunAMacro()
Dim Terminal As IbmTerminal
Dim viewObj As View
'Get handles to the frame, view, and terminal objects
'Set terminal = ThisFrame.SelectedView.titleText
Set viewObj = ThisFrame.GetViewByTitleText("demoSession.rd3x")
Set Terminal = viewObj.control
'Run the macro in module1
Terminal.Macro.RunMacro2 ProjectOption_CurrentProject, "Module1.TurnOnScratchPad"
End Sub
Note: To remove a reference, clear the check box for the referenced project in the Reference dialog box.
Running a Macro in the Common Project
You can create macros in the Reflection Common project and then run them from any session.
To create a macro in the common project
- Open a Reflection session and then from the tools menu, select Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
- Right-click on the Common project and select Insert > Module to insert a code module.
- Name the module ViewMacro.
- Enter the following code In the code module window and then select File > Save Common to save the macro.
Macro in the Common project |
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Sub ChangeTitleOfSelectedView()
'Get the selected view and change its title
ThisFrame.SelectedView.titleText = "Selected"
End Sub
- In the Visual Basic Editor Project folder for the session you opened, enter the following code in one of its code modules and then press F5 to run it.
Macro that calls a macro in the Common project |
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Sub CallCommonMacro()
Call ViewMacro.ChangeTitleOfSelectedView
End Sub