Property Value
The default value is False.
The default value is False.
Exception | Description |
Attachmate.Reflection.SecuredSettingException | This exception is thrown when you modify a property that was secured via the Permissions Manager, or that can only be modified by an Administrator. |
If you will be entering composed characters in host screens, set this property to True.
The Show Bytes Remaining indicator tells you the number of bytes remaining in the current field.
When entering characters in host applications using a character set that doesn't utilize combiner characters, the number of bytes (characters) remaining in the current field equals the number of visible spaces. When using a character set that utilizes combiner characters (Thai, for example), the number of bytes a character uses depends on whether or not it is composed with combiner characters. While a combiner character that modifies a base character occupies no space, it nevertheless counts toward the maximum number of bytes allowed in an input field. This can create a situation where a host input field is full, although not visibly so.