Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to a defined region of the current screen and, if needed, regions of subsequent screens in the host application.
This example pastes text into a screen region starting at row 5 and column 18 and ending at the lower right-hand corner of the first screen. For subsequent screens, text is pasted into a region starting at row 5 and column 18 and ending 4 rows from the last row and 5 columns from the last column. The PF8 key is used to page down and text wrap is on. If the first field on a line is a protected field, the line is pasted into the first available unprotected field.
Sub pasteMyData()
ThisIbmScreen.PasteRange 5, 18, 0, 0, 5, 18, -4, -5, ControlKeyCode_F8, True, True
End Sub