23.3 Preparing Targets for Automated Migration

In an automated migration, PlateSpin requires information about the target platform where it will create the virtual machines. You must prepare your target environment for discovery, and discover the target. For information about configuring the target platform environment for use with PlateSpin Migrate, see Table 23-3. For discovery of target platforms, see Discovering Details for Target Platforms.

Table 23-3 Prerequisites for Target Platforms

Target Platform

Migrate Client

Migrate Web Interface

Amazon Web Services

Not supported

Section 8.0, Prerequisites for Migration to Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Azure

Not supported

Prerequisites for Migration to Microsoft Azure

VMware vCloud Director

Not supported

Prerequisites for Migration to VMware vCloud Director


Not supported

Prerequisites for Cloud-to-Cloud Migrations


Prerequisites for Migration to VMware

Prerequisites for Migration to VMware


Prerequisites for Migration to Microsoft Hyper-V

Prerequisites for Migration to Microsoft Hyper-V