Follow the step-by-step OES upgrade instructions. See Upgrading OES in the Installation Guide.
Ensure that the upgraded OES 24.4 node is joined to the cluster.
Migrate the pool resource to the upgraded OES 24.4 node.
Ensure that the pool and volume is running on the node running the OES 24.4 server.
Run the iprint_nss_relocate script located at /opt/novell/iprint/bin.
For more details on this script, see Section 4.11.1, Running the iprint_nss_relocate script
Stop the Mobile (novell-iprint-tomcat) and License by executing the following commands:
systemctl stop novell-iprint-tomcat.service
systemctl stop novell-iprint-license.service
Edit the load script (to add Mobile, License, and CUPS service) for the Cluster Pool. Add the following lines to the existing load script before the exit 0 statement.
exit_on_error systemctl start novell-idsd.service
exit_on_error systemctl start novell-ipsmd.service
exit_on_error systemctl start novell-iprint-ocs.service
exit_on_error systemctl start novell-iprint-license.service
exit_on_error systemctl start orientdb.service
exit_on_error systemctl start iprint-auth.service
exit_on_error systemctl start iprint-cups.service
exit_on_error systemctl start novell-iprint-tomcat.service
NOTE:You must remove the line ignore_error rcnovell-iprint-mobile start as it is replaced with license and tomcat services and add exit_on_error systemctl start iprint-cups.service as it replaces CUPS service.
Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.
For information on editing a load script, see Section 5.2.5, Modifying the Load, Unload, and Monitor Scripts.
Edit the unload script to add the Mobile, License, and CUPS service for the Cluster Pool. Add the following lines to the existing unload script after the ignore_error systemctl stop novell-ipsmd.service statement:
ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-tomcat.service
ignore_error systemctl stop iprint-cups.service
ignore_error systemctl stop iprint-auth.service
ignore_error systemctl stop orientdb.service
ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-license.service
ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-ocs.service
ignore_error systemctl stop novell-ipsmd.service
ignore_error systemctl stop novell-idsd.service
NOTE:You must remove the line ignore_error rcnovell-iprint-mobile stop as it is replaced with license and tomcat services and add ignore_error systemctl stop iprint-cups.serviceas it is replaced with CUPS service.
Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.
Ensure all the services (Print Manager, License, Mobile, and Cups) are up and running. Also, ensure that the Driver Store configured with the Print Manager is running.
systemctl status novell-ipsmd.service
systemctl status novell-iprint-license.service
systemctl status novell-iprint-tomcat.service
systemctl status iprint-cups.service
To upgrade to the next identified nodes in cluster, do the following:
Follow Step 1 to Step 4 on all the identified cluster nodes.
Run the iprint_nss_relocate script located at /opt/novell/iprint/bin on the node where the pool resource is running.
For more details on this script, see Section 4.11.1, Running the iprint_nss_relocate script.
Stop the Mobile and CUPS service by executing the following commands:
systemctl stop novell-iprint-tomcat.service
systemctl stop novell-iprint-license.service
systemctl stop iprint-cups.service
Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.
Login to iPrint Console on successful migration of a node.