5.2 Configuring OES iPrint Advanced Server in a Cluster Environment

5.2.1 Understanding the Benefits of High Availability Printing

Running OES iPrint Advanced on a cluster provides the following benefits:

  • By configuring the Print Management Database to reside on a shared disk cluster volume, you no longer need to replicate information to achieve high availability.

  • The cluster console GUI enables you monitor and control the location of cluster volume with the Driver Store and Print Manager services using them from a single management workstation.

  • Because cluster volumes are tightly consistent and highly available, distributed print management tasks are simplified.

  • If a server fails, the cluster volume containing the Print Management Database and spool area automatically remounts on a surviving server in the cluster. The Driver Store and Print Manager also automatically restart without user intervention.

  • On restart, the Driver Store and Print Manager discover the Print Management Database on a cluster volume mounted on their server. Because the cluster volume is the same regardless of the server it is mounted on, no print-related information is lost or out-of-date.

5.2.2 Planning for OES iPrint Advanced Server in a Cluster

Open Enterprise Server 24.4

Ensure that each node in the cluster is running the same release version of OES 24.4.

OES Cluster Services

Ensure that each node is running the same release version of OES Cluster Services with the latest patches applied. For information on installing OES Cluster Services, see Installing, Configuring, and Repairing OES Cluster Services in the OES Cluster Services for Linux Administration Guide.

NSS File System

OES iPrint Advanced supports only NSS file system.

5.2.3 Clustering on an NSS File System

  1. Identify the node where pool resource is running.

  2. Install OES iPrint Advanced service using YaST on the node where the pool resource is running.

  3. Identify all the other nodes to host the OES iPrint Advanced service. Install OES iPrint Advanced service on those nodes.

    IMPORTANT:Ensure OES iPrint Advanced is installed on the node before migrating the pool resource to that node.

  4. Run the iprint_nss_relocate script located at /opt/novell/iprint/bin on the node where the pool resource is running.

    For more details on this script, see Section 4.11.1, Running the iprint_nss_relocate script.

  5. Stop the Mobile and CUPS service by executing the following commands:

    systemctl stop novell-iprint-tomcat.service

    systemctl stop novell-iprint-license.service

    systemctl stop iprint-cups.service

    systemctl stop iprint-auth.service

    systemctl stop orientdb.service

  6. Migrate the pool resource to the next identified node. For more information, see Installing, Configuring, and Repairing OES Cluster Services.

  7. Repeat Step 4 to Step 6 on all the iPrint cluster nodes.

  8. Edit the load script (to add Mobile service and CUPS service) for the Cluster Pool. Add the following lines to the existing load script before the exit 0 statement.

    exit_on_error systemctl start novell-idsd.service

    exit_on_error systemctl start novell-ipsmd.service

    Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.

    For information on editing a load script, see Section 5.2.5, Modifying the Load, Unload, and Monitor Scripts.

  9. Edit the unload script (to add Mobile service and CUPS service) for the Cluster Pool. Add the following lines to the existing unload script after the ignore_error systemctl stop novell-idsd.service statement:

    ignore_error systemctl stop novell-ipsmd.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop novell-idsd.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-tomcat.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop iprint-cups.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop iprint-auth.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop orientdb.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-license.service
    ignore_error systemctl stop novell-iprint-ocs.service

    For information on editing an unload script, see Section 5.2.5, Modifying the Load, Unload, and Monitor Scripts.

    Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.

  10. (Conditional) In a DSfW environment, do the following:

    1. Modify the LDAP port parameters in the /etc/opt/novell/iprintmobile/conf/iprintmobile.conf as follows:

      #LDAP Port
      ldap_port = 1389
      #LDAP Secure Port
      ldap_secure_port = 1636
    2. Restart mobile server:

      systemctl restart novell-iprint-tomcat.service

    3. Modify the LDAP parameter in the /etc/opt/novell/iprintauth/conf/authService.conf as follows:

      config.RepositoryLdapUrl = ldaps://localhost:1636

    4. Restart iprint auth service: systemctl restart iprint-auth.service

  11. To configure mobility, launch iPrint Console in a web browser. Using iPrint Console, you can manage email and mobile features of the printers.

    NOTE:Ensure that the Driver Store and Print Manager are running.

    https://<Resource_server_ address of OES iPrint Advanced server>/ipcon/

    1. Specify the name and password of the OES administrator who has rights to manage the print manager.

      • If the user is unique in the tree, then use CN to login. For example, admin.

      • If there are multiple users with the same name in different containers, then specify FQDN in LDAP format. For example, cn=admin,o=microfocus.

  12. If you add a new node to the cluster later, change the file as follows:

    1. Install OES iPrint and OES iPrint Advanced on the new node.

    2. Comment out the load and unload scripts added in Step 8 and Step 9.

    3. Migrate the resource to the new node.

    4. Run the iprint_nss_relocate script on the new node.

    5. Remove the comment tag from the load and unload scripts.

5.2.4 Clustering on a Linux POSIX File System

When setting up a new iPrint cluster resource from the template on Linux, a setup wizard guides you through the process sequentially.

To configure cluster resources for shared Linux POSIX volumes, refer to Upgrading and Managing Cluster Resources for Linux POSIX Volumes with CSM Containers.

  1. In iManager, click Clusters > My Clusters, then select the cluster.

    If the cluster does not appear in your personalized list of clusters to manage, you can add it. Click Add, browse and select the cluster, then click OK. Wait for the cluster to appear in the list and report its status, then select the cluster.

  2. Select the Cluster Options tab.

  3. Under Cluster Objects, click New.

  4. Select Resource, then click Next.

  5. Specify a name in the Cluster Resource Name field.

  6. Use the object selector for Inherit from Template to browse to and open the Cluster object you created, then select the iPrint_Template.

  7. Select the Define Additional Properties check box, then click Next.

  8. Edit the load script by making the changes outlined in the following table:



    define the IP address

    Specify the actual IP address you want to use for the resource. For example,

    define the file system type

    Specify the file system type.

    define the volume group name

    Specify the name of the LVM volume group you have created.

    define the device name


    define the mount point

    /mnt/iprint. If a different mount point is selected for the shared disk, ensure that the same mount point is specified in the unload script.

    activate the volume group

    exit_on_error vgchange -a ey $VOLGROUP_NAME. Replace $VOLGROUP_NAME.

    mount the file system

    exit_on_error mount_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS, where $MOUNT_DEV is the device name and $MOUNT_POINT is the mount point you defined.

    add the IP address

    exit_on_error add_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP, where $RESOURCE_IP is the IP address.

    run the iPrint relocate script

    exit_on_error /opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_relocate $MOUNT_POINT, where $MOUNT_POINT is the mount point you defined.

    start the iPrint driver store & printer manager

    exit_on_error /opt/novell/iprint/bin/ncs_iprint_svc_start.

  9. Set the timeout value in the load script to three minutes, then click Next.

  10. Edit the unload script by making the changes outlined in the following table:



    define the IP address

    Specify the actual IP address you want to use for the resource. For example,

    define the file system type

    Specify the file system type.

    define the volume group name

    Specify the name of the LVM volume group you have created.

    define the device name

    /dev/$VOLGROUP_NAME/<LVM logical volume>

    define the mount point

    /mnt/iprint. If a different mount point is selected for the shared disk, ensure that the same mount point is specified in the unload script.

    stop the printer manager and iPrint driver store

    Printer Manager: ignore_error systemctl stop novell-ipsmd.service

    iPrint Driver Store: ignore_error systemctl stop novell-idsd.service

    delete the IP address

    ignore_error del_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP, where $RESOURCE_IP is the IP address.

    unmount the file system

    exit_on_error umount_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS, where $MOUNT_DEV is the device name, and $MOUNT_POINT is the mount point you defined.

    deactivate the volume group

    exit_on_error vgchange -a n $VOLGROUP_NAME.

  11. Set the timeout value in the unload script to three minutes, then click Next.

  12. Edit the monitor script by making the changes outlined in the following table:



    define the IP address

    Specify the actual IP address you want to use for the resource. For example,

    define the file system type

    Specify the file system type.

    define the volume group name

    Specify the name of the LVM volume group you have created.

    define the device name


    define the mount point

    /mnt/iprint. If a different mount point is selected for the shared disk, ensure that the same mount point is specified in the unload script.

    check the logical volume

    exit_on_error status_lv $VOLGROUP_NAME.

    check the file system

    exit_on_error status_fs $MOUNT_DEV $MOUNT_POINT $MOUNT_FS, where $MOUNT_DEV is the device name, and $MOUNT_POINT is the mount point you defined.

    check the IP address

    exit_on_error status_secondary_ipaddress $RESOURCE_IP, where $RESOURCE_IP is the IP address.

    check the iPrint driver store & printer manager

    systemctl status novell-idsd.service and systemctl status novell-ipsmd.service.

  13. View the current Preferred Nodes assignments, and click the arrow button to assign or unassign servers to the print volume resource.

    You can click the up-arrow or down-arrow button to change the failover order of the servers assigned to the print volume.

    If you add a node to the cluster later, it might be added to the Assigned Nodes list. You must check this list after adding nodes to ensure that iPrint fails over to the desired nodes.

  14. Click Finish.

5.2.5 Modifying the Load, Unload, and Monitor Scripts

You can view or modify the load, unload, or monitor scripts even after you create a resource.

  1. Log in to iManager.

  2. Under Roles and Tasks, select Clusters > My Clusters, then select the cluster.

    If the cluster does not appear in your personalized list of clusters to manage, you can add it. Click Add, browse and select the cluster, then click OK. Wait for the cluster to appear in the list and report its status, then select the cluster.

  3. On the Cluster Manager page or Cluster Options page, select the cluster resource to view its properties, then click the Scripts tab.

  4. Click the Load Script, Unload Script, or Monitor Script links to view or modify the scripts. If you modify a script, click Apply to save your changes before you leave the page.

    Changes do not take effect until you take the resource offline, and bring it online again.