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-N cob flag **ERROR** Directives Syntax
Descriptions of Flags
N RTS switch COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The WRITE Statement
**ERROR** Invoking the Server Express Development Environment
Name CGI-based Applications Input to a Server-Side Program
filename Fileshare Guide Client Configuration
Fileshare Server Fileshare Guide Specifying a Fileshare Server Name
Server Configuration
of field in Interface Mapper Interface Mapping Toolkit Tuto Define an Interface Field
name attribute **ERROR** Attributes
name patterns **ERROR** Matching
NAMED option COBOL Language Reference The EXHIBIT Statement
Named pipes Configuring CCI CCINAMPU Configuration
named sets **ERROR** Named Sets
deleting **ERROR** Named Sets
NAMEOPTIONS File Handler configuration option
compatibility Readme File Handler Configuration Option
names of data items **ERROR** Subtracting Data Items with Non-monetary Names
XML syntax COBOL Language Reference XML Syntax - NAMESPACE clause
National function COBOL Language Reference Data Item Functions
National literal COBOL Language Reference Literals
National Locale Support Database Access National Locale Support (NLS)
NATIONAL-OF function COBOL Language Reference The NATIONAL-OF Function
NATIVE Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference The Object-Computer Paragraph
The Special-Names Paragraph
Compiler Directvies NATIVE
Native Java objects Java and COBOL Accessing Native Java Objects
NATIVE-FLOATING-POINT Compiler directive Compiler Directvies NATIVE-FLOATING-POINT
Navigating a database CGI-based Applications Tutoria Navigate the Database
Navigating source code **ERROR** Introduction
Enterprise Server Administration Configuration and Administrati Navigation
NCHAR Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Micro Focus Extensions for Double-Byte Character Support
Compiler Directvies NCHAR
NCHAR data item COBOL Language Reference NCHAR Data
NCHAR Data Items
rules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause (DBCS)
NCHAR literal COBOL Language Reference NCHAR Literals
Category of NCHAR Literals
NCHAR-EDITED data rule COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause (DBCS)
Negated simple condition COBOL Language Reference Negated Simple Condition
Nested COBOL programs
DB2 Database Access Support for Nested COBOL programs
Nested queries SQL Option Server Administrati Nested Queries
COM interoperability COM. COBOL and .NET .NET Interoperability
migration overview Migration Cookbook From Net Express 4.5
.NET Client for COM
basic tutorial Interface Mapping Toolkit Tuto .NET Client for COM
Net Express
and Server Express **ERROR** Net Express and Server Express
.int file **ERROR** Portable .idy Files
remote debugging **ERROR** Debugging a Program from Net Express
Remote Debugging
Samba **ERROR** Samba
Net Express 4.5
migration overview Migration Cookbook From Net Express 4.5
Net Express IDE
Compiler directives and Publisher UNIX Option Guide Compiler Directives
entry point setting and Publisher UNIX Option Guide Entry Points
settings that affect Publisher UNIX Option Guide Net Express IDE Settings and Publisher
tutorial Getting Started Using the Net Express IDE
Net Express on-line Help Character User Interfaces Overview
.NET Framework Readme Software Requirements
.NET native types COBOL Language Reference .NET Native Types
NETBEUI Migration Cookbook List of Features
NetBEUI Configuring CCI Configuring the Environment for Using CCINETB
NetBIOS Fileshare Guide Overview
SQL Option Server Administrati Communications Protocols
CCINETB configuration Configuring CCI CCI Support for NetBIOS
Netscape CGI-based Applications Overview
Netscape Navigator
known errors Readme Web
Netscape Server API CGI-based Applications Overview
NetWare Configuring CCI CCI Support for Novell NetWare IPX
NetWare Requester Configuring CCI Novell NetWare IPX Configuration
communications MTO Configuration and Administ The System Initialization Table (SIT)
link MTO Configuration and Administ Network Links
misinterpretation of function keys **ERROR** Function Keys and COBKEYTIMEOUT
Network file access
enterprise servers Configuration and Administrati Your User Account Strategy
Your User Account Strategy
network License Server Readme License Management System
Network Licensing License Management System User Scenario - Many Computers, Network Licensing
Scenario - Network Licensing, Client Install
defined License Management System User Overview
enabling or disabling License Management System User Using the License Management System
network_licensing Readme License Management System
New features
Server Express 1.1 **ERROR** Server Express 1.1
Server Express 2.0 **ERROR** Server Express 2.0
Server Express 2.0.10 **ERROR** Server Express 2.0.10
Server Express 2.0.11 **ERROR** Server Express 2.0.11
Server Express 2.0.11 Service Pack 1 **ERROR** Server Express 2.0.11 Service Pack 1
Server Express 2.2 **ERROR** Server Express 2.2
Server Express 4.0 **ERROR** Server Express 4.0
Server Express 4.0 SP1 **ERROR** Server Express 4.0 Service Pack 1
Server Express 4.0 SP2 **ERROR** Server Express 4.0 Service Pack 2
Server Express 5.0 **ERROR** Server Express 5.0
new features Readme New Features in Net Express 5.1
new impact object **ERROR** Function List
New license **ERROR** Q. Can development system licenses for a new version of a product still run the old version?
new metering charges **ERROR** Metering Lines of Code
New product version **ERROR** Q. Can development system licenses for an old version of a product run a new version?
new project **ERROR** Creating a Project
**ERROR** Creating and Building the Project
New Service Interfaces Group Interface Mapping Toolkit Mapping Wizard
"new" method Object-oriented Programming wi Creating a New Instance Object
Instance Creation Methods
New-locate **ERROR** Miscellaneous Configuration Options
"newClass" method Object-oriented Programming wi Cloning an Intrinsic Data Class
news Readme Q? What is SupportLine?
newWithData method COM. COBOL and .NET Creating an OLEVariant Instance
NEXT GROUP clause COBOL Language Reference The NEXT GROUP Clause
Next logical record COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
NEXT PAGE phrase COBOL Language Reference The LINE NUMBER Clause (Report Writer)
Next panel Dialog System Character Mode G Next Panel (F4)
NEXT phrase
READ statement COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
VALUE clause COBOL Language Reference The VALUE Clause
Next Reset function **ERROR** Next Reset
IF statement COBOL Language Reference The IF Statement
SEARCH statement COBOL Language Reference The SEARCH Statement
NEXT SENTENCE statement COBOL Language Reference The NEXT SENTENCE Statement
NFILES setting Fileshare Guide The NFILES Setting
NIL predefined object reference name Object-oriented Programming wi Predefined Object Reference Names
checking if configured UNIX Option Guide How to Check if NIS is Configured:
using to determine PC name UNIX Option Guide Determining the Official Name Using NIS
NLS Database Access National Locale Support (NLS)
NLS Compiler directive Compiler Directvies NLS
NLS folding Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
General Run-time Behavior
NLS message-file handling Library Routines NLS Message-file Handling Routines
NO OF PRINT LINES ON A PAGE configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G Printing Defaults
No operation statement COBOL Language Reference The CONTINUE Statement
NO REWIND phrase
OPEN statement COBOL Language Reference The OPEN Statement
NO SCROLL phrase Character User Interfaces Windowing Support Syntax
NO WRAP phrase Character User Interfaces Windowing Support Syntax
**ERROR** Windowing Support Syntax
NO-ECHO clause COBOL Language Reference The SECURE Clause
Adis field option **ERROR** Screen Section
skip concealed fields **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
NO-ECHO option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
NOAUTOFORMAT CGI-based Applications Using EHTML
NOCLEAR-PATH configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G General Run-time Behavior
NODBSPACE Migration Cookbook Changed Directives
NODESIZE configuration option **ERROR** Creating Indexed Files with Long Keys
field property Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
NOECHO-CHARACTER configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G General Run-time Behavior
NOGUI option for Compare and Synchronize Monitor **ERROR** Starting
Non-indexed collections Object-oriented Programming wi Different Categories of Collection
Non-scrolling form COBOL Language Reference Screen Section
Non-select SQL statements SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Non-Select SQL Statements
Non-serial search COBOL Language Reference The SEARCH Statement
Non-text characters **ERROR** EBCDIC/ASCII Translation Tables
Non-unique name COBOL Language Reference Working-Storage Section
Noncontiguous data item COBOL Language Reference Level-Numbers
Working-Storage Section
Linkage Section
None/single/double border Dialog System Character Mode G None/Single/Double Border (F4)
Nonnumeric literal
length of COBOL Language Reference Length of Nonnumeric Literals
RM/COBOL **ERROR** Producing Executable Code
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference Nonnumeric Literals
nonnumeric literal COBOL Language Reference Literals
Nonnumeric operands
comparison COBOL Language Reference Comparison of Nonnumeric Operands (Relation Condition)
NOPROCESS option for Compare and Synchronize Monitor **ERROR** Starting
noretry_on_decl run-time tunable **ERROR** noretry_on_decl
Normal/Micro Focus Panels Dialog System Character Mode G Normal / Micro Focus Panels (F2)
NOSEQCHECK configuration option **ERROR** Sequence-checking Indexed File Keys
STRING statement COBOL Language Reference The STRING Statement
UNSTRING statement COBOL Language Reference The UNSTRING Statement
NOT ON SIZE ERROR phrase COBOL Language Reference The ON SIZE ERROR Phrase and NOT ON SIZE ERROR Phrase
NOT operator
DB2 Database Access The NOT Operator (¬)
Not-responding scripts Configuration and Administrati Using Start and Stop Scripts
notation used **ERROR** Notation Used
NOTE statement COBOL Language Reference The NOTE Statement
Note: COBOL Language Reference The WITH DEBUGGING MODE Clause
The ACCEPT Statement
The MOVE Statement
customizing **ERROR** Notes
sharing **ERROR** Methods of Sharing Classifications, Filters, User-defined Tabs and Assignment Rules
notes on installing Readme Installation Notes
Novell NetWare Configuring CCI CCI Support for Novell NetWare IPX
NSAPI CGI-based Applications Overview
Server-side Programming
CGI, ISAPI and NSAPI Programs
compiler directives CGI-based Applications Setting Compiler Directives for NSAPI
converting to CGI-based Applications Overview
developing programs CGI-based Applications Writing ISAPI and NSAPI Server-Side Programs
entry point CGI-based Applications Setting Compiler Directives for NSAPI
Modifying the NSAPI Server Configuration Files
known errors Readme Internet Application Wizard
locating files CGI-based Applications Deploying Your Application
Locating Dependencies in ISAPI and NSAPI Applications
MIME type CGI-based Applications Changing the Action Property
server configuration CGI-based Applications Before Running NSAPI Applications
shared run-time system CGI-based Applications Building a Shared Run-time System ISAPI or NSAPI Program
NSWE representation
line draw characters **ERROR** Finding the Character You Want
NSYMBOL Compiler directive Compiler Directvies NSYMBOL
NTT Multivendor Integration Architecture COBOL Language Reference Multivendor Integration Architecture Support
$NULL Dialog System Character Mode G Using Procedures
Dialog System Guide Special Registers
validation Dialog System Guide Validation Criteria
Null parameter Dialog System Character Mode G Parameters
NULL predefined object identifier COBOL Language Reference Predefined Object Identifiers
NULL predefined object reference name Object-oriented Programming wi Predefined Object Reference Names
Null validation Dialog System Character Mode G Null Validation (F6)
Null validation menu Dialog System Character Mode G Null Validation (F6)
Null value Database Access Null Values
Null values in host variables SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Using Indicator Variables
NULL(S) figurative constant COBOL Language Reference Literals
The VALUE Clause
Null-terminated literals Object-oriented Programming wi Creating a Callback
null-terminated literals COBOL Language Reference Literals
Number of open files SQL Option Server Administrati Number of Open Files
Number of open queries SQL Option Server Administrati Number of Open Queries
field format Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
Numeric data Character User Interfaces Numeric and Numeric-edited Fields
format COBOL Language Reference Selection of Character Representation and Radix
rules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference Representation of Numeric Items
numeric data type Database Access Exact Numeric Data Types
Numeric edited datarules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
Numeric edited fields
in ACCEPT **ERROR** Numeric and Numeric-edited Fields
in Screen Section **ERROR** Screen Section ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements
Numeric fields Character User Interfaces Numeric and Numeric-edited Fields
Dialog System Character Mode G Define Validation Details (F8)
Numeric function COBOL Language Reference Data Item Functions
numeric items
limit Readme Compiling
Numeric literal COBOL Language Reference Literals
Numeric operands
comparison COBOL Language Reference Comparison of Numeric Operands (Relation Condition)
Special-Names paragraph COBOL Language Reference The Special-Names Paragraph
Numeric signed field Dialog System Character Mode G Data Field Definition (F2)
NUMERIC test COBOL Language Reference Class Condition
Numeric value parameters Dialog System Character Mode G Parameters
NUMVAL function COBOL Language Reference The NUMVAL Function
NUMVAL-C function COBOL Language Reference The NUMVAL-C Function

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