!  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


A character position symbol COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
-A cob flag **ERROR** Descriptions of Flags
-a cob flag **ERROR** Descriptions of Flags
.a file **ERROR** Linking
A1 RTS switch **ERROR** A1
A1 RTS switch (old) **ERROR** A1
AAI Communications Introduction
aaiservice Communications Configuration File Parameters
block Dialog System Character Mode G Abandon (F10)
range/table validation Dialog System Character Mode G Abandon (F10)
virtual group Dialog System Character Mode G Abandon (F10)
Abbreviated combined relation condition COBOL Language Reference Abbreviated Combined Relation Conditions
distributed program linking MTO Configuration and Administ Abends When Using Distributed Program Linking
ABEND CODE field Extensing CICS Applications ABEND CODE, STATUS, and MESSAGE Fields
About caching SQL Option Server Administrati About Caching
ABS function COBOL Language Reference The ABS Function
Abstract Syntax Notation number One **ERROR** Overview
ACCEPT Character User Interfaces Fixed-format Data Entry
Free-format Data Entry
Accepting and Displaying Screen Section Items
Positioning the Cursor for ACCEPT Statements
Function Keys
CGI-based Applications Input to a Server-Side Program
alphanumeric fields **ERROR** Alphanumeric Fields
enhanced **ERROR** Micro Focus Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY
group item **ERROR** Accepting Into Group Items
Accepting Into Group Items
limit on numeric items Readme Compiling
numeric **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
numeric-edited **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
single alphanumeric fields **ERROR** Alphanumeric Fields
single field **ERROR** Single Field ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements
single field fixed-format **ERROR** Fixed-format Data Entry
single field Fixed-format **ERROR** Fixed-format Data Entry
single field free-format **ERROR** Fixed-format Data Entry
single field RM style **ERROR** General Data Entry
single field RM-style **ERROR** RM Style Data Entry
single numeric-edited fields **ERROR** Numeric and Numeric-edited Fields
terminating **ERROR** The CURSOR IS Clause
Normal Termination of an ACCEPT Operation
Accept and Display
Adis **ERROR** Adis
ESMAC Configuration and Administrati Interacting with Services
JCL Support MTO Configuration and Administ Interacting with JCL Jobs
ACCEPT statement Readme Q? When I use ACCEPT or DISPLAY, the text appears in a small area inside the IDE window. How can I m
Character User Interfaces Accepting Elementary Data Items from Single Fields
COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
ACUCOBOL Character User Interfaces Windowing Support Syntax
**ERROR** Windowing Support Syntax
DBCS characters COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement (DBCS)
The ACCEPT Statement
Microsoft COBOL COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
RM/COBOL **ERROR** Running the Code
Running the Code
COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
services Interface Mapping Toolkit User Interaction
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
ACCEPT/DISPLAY Character User Interfaces Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax
Accepting and Displaying Data on Large Screens
Adis **ERROR** Adis
enhanced **ERROR** Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY
extended CGI-based Applications Tutoria Server-side Programs
link type Migration Cookbook Link Type for ACCEPT/DISPLAY
migrating Migration Cookbook Link Type for ACCEPT/DISPLAY
no output appears Migration Cookbook Link Type for ACCEPT/DISPLAY
Adis Configuration utility **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
known errors Readme Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax (Adis)
Accepting Character User Interfaces Accepting Elementary Data Items from Single Fields
Accepting and Displaying Group Items
Accepting and Displaying Screen Section Items
ACCEPTREFRESH Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
Compiler Directvies ACCEPTREFRESH
Access CGI-based Applications Building a Shared Run-time System ISAPI or NSAPI Program
exporting **ERROR** Exporting Data from the Access Database
monitor utility SQL Option Server Administrati Monitor Utility
remote location SQL Option Server Administrati Three-Part Name Access
server configuration utility SQL Option Server Administrati Server Configuration Utility
Access and control SQL Option Server Administrati Monitor Utility
Access levels
Directory Server Configuration and Administrati Access and Permissions
Access mode
dynamic COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
Access Mode
indexed file COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
random COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
Access Mode
relative file COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
sequential COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
sequential file COBOL Language Reference Access Mode
file control entry COBOL Language Reference The File Control Entry
Access validation Fileshare Guide File Access Validation Module
Access worksheet reports **ERROR** Exporting Reports to Access
accessData method COM. COBOL and .NET Direct Access to SafeArray Data
HyHelp functions Character User Interfaces HyHelp Function Access
Accessing metering control file **ERROR** Setting Up and Protecting the Metering Control File
Accessing the server configuration utility SQL Option Server Administrati Server Configuration Utility
ACCT demonstration CICS Extension Tutorials Demonstration Application
confirm **ERROR** Function List
Function List
enable **ERROR** Function List
Function List
ACOS function COBOL Language Reference The ACOS Function
Action bar Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bars (F4)
Action Bar (F2)
definition menu Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bars (F4)
dialog Dialog System Character Mode G Generate (F6)
entry Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
generate Dialog System Character Mode G Generate (F6)
initialization procedure Dialog System Character Mode G Generate (F6)
initialize Dialog System Character Mode G Initialize (F9)
mnemonic Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
name Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
Action Bar Name (F8)
palette Dialog System Character Mode G Defaults for Palettes and Attributes
position Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
Position Bar (F6)
pulldown Dialog System Character Mode G Pulldown (Enter)
save Dialog System Character Mode G Save (F4)
text Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
width Dialog System Character Mode G Action Bar (F2)
Alter Size (F7)
Action codes **ERROR** Action Codes Supported
Action parameters Communications Managing the Server
Action property
changing CGI-based Applications Changing Application URLs
Changing the Action Property
activate **ERROR** Function List
Activating usage counters **ERROR** Enabling, Disabling and Distributing Usage Counters
Active Mainframe Item View
Drag and Drop **ERROR** Hiding Items from the Mainframe View
Active state COBOL Language Reference Active State
known errors Readme Projects
ActiveX control CGI-based Applications HTML, Java and ActiveX
Introduction to JavaScript
event handler CGI-based Applications Event Handlers for ActiveX Controls
ActiveX Controls Dialog System Guide ActiveX Controls
customizing Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
define properties Dialog System Guide Defining the ActiveX Control Properties
Dialog System properties Dialog System Guide ActiveX Control Properties
entry point Dialog System Guide Event Registration
event handler Dialog System Guide Event Handler
event handling code Dialog System Guide Event Handler
event registration Dialog System Guide Event Registration
events Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
general properties Dialog System Guide ActiveX Control Properties
GET Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
methods Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
methods and properties Dialog System Guide Methods and Properties
Programming Assistant Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
properties Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
property pages Dialog System Guide ActiveX Control Properties
selecting Dialog System Guide Selecting an ActiveX Control
SET Dialog System Guide Customizing the ActiveX Control Program with the Programming Assistant
starting the Programming Assistant Dialog System Guide Starting the Programming Assistant
sub-objects Dialog System Guide Sub-objects
ActiveX layout form CGI-based Applications Forms and HTML
ACTUAL-PARAMS Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference The Class-ID Paragraph
Object-oriented Programming wi Parameterized Classes
Parameterized Interfaces
Compiler Directives
Compiler Directvies ACTUAL-PARAMS
ACUCOBOL windowing syntax Character User Interfaces ACUCOBOL Windowing Syntax
**ERROR** ACUCOBOL Windowing Syntax
**ERROR** Windowing Syntax
ACUCOBOL Windowing Syntax
unsupported features Readme ADAM on Microsoft Vista and Windows Server 2008
menu choice Dialog System Guide Modifying Menu Items at Run Time
Modifying Menu Items at Run Time
Add occurrence
group Dialog System Character Mode G Add Occurrence ()
Add range Dialog System Character Mode G Add Range (F7)
add search directories
ACL **ERROR** Creating a Project
ADD statement COBOL Language Reference Arithmetic Statements
The ADD Statement
multiple results COBOL Language Reference Multiple Results in Arithmetic Statements
ADD-MORE-SALES-INFO Dialog System Guide Tab Controls
Add/Refresh Host Screens Wizard Extensing CICS Applications Add/Refresh Host Screens Wizard
addComp **ERROR** Function List
addDirectory **ERROR** Function List
addEntity **ERROR** Function List
addExtSource **ERROR** Function List
adding components
tutorial **ERROR** Creating a Project
adding controls Dialog System Tutorials Add Controls to the Screenset
Adding controls to a form CGI-based Applications Tutoria Add Controls to the Form
Adding records **ERROR** Adding Records
adding search directories with the ACL
tutorial **ERROR** Creating a Project
Additional data types
DB2 Database Access Additional Data Types
Additional Scripts Directory **ERROR** Directories
Additional security information SQL Option Server Administrati Additional Security Information
Additive attribute **ERROR** Highlighting
addPathDb **ERROR** Function List
addPathSource **ERROR** Function List
ADDR function COBOL Language Reference The ADDR Function
addRel **ERROR** Function List
addRelation **ERROR** Function List
ADDRESS OF special register COBOL Language Reference Special Registers
The CALL Statement
ADDRSV Compiler directive Compiler Directvies ADDRSV
addSearchExclusion **ERROR** Function List
ADDSYN Compiler directive Compiler Directvies ADDSYN
addToAnnotation **ERROR** Function List
addTool **ERROR** Function List
Adis Character User Interfaces Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax
Accepting and Displaying Data on Large Screens
Configuring Adis Using Adiscf
Keyboard Configuration Utility (Keybcf)
**ERROR** Adis
and generic attributes **ERROR** How Generic Attributes Work
Displaying Characters and Attributes
auto-clear **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
Adis Run-time Configuration
auto-skip configuration **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
backspace character **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
case conversion **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
Standard Adis Key Functions
change configuration **ERROR** The Alter Configuration Menu
change highlight **ERROR** The Alter Crt-Under Highlighting Menu
The Alter Function Mappings Menu
change messages **ERROR** The Alter All Messages Menu
change options **ERROR** The Alter All ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options Menu
choose configuration **ERROR** The Choose Configuration Menu
configuration **ERROR** Configuring Adis
configuration utility **ERROR** Configuring Enhanced ACCEPT and DISPLAY
configuring **ERROR** Adis
Adis Configuration
Adis Run-time Configuration
configuring at run time **ERROR** Altering the Adis Configuration from a Program
Adis Run-time Configuration
configuring keys **ERROR** Configuring Your Keyboard
cursor control **ERROR** Alphanumeric Fields
The CURSOR IS Clause
data keys Character User Interfaces Data Key Handling
**ERROR** Data Keys
Data Key Handling
default color options **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
default keys **ERROR** Overview
defaults **ERROR** Overview
delete configuration **ERROR** The Delete Configuration Menu
determining available shift keys Character User Interfaces Determining Available Shift Keys
**ERROR** Determining Available Shift Keys
disabling keys **ERROR** The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
dynamic attributes module **ERROR** Overview
editing functions **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
Standard Adis Key Functions
enabling keys **ERROR** The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
exit using cursor keys **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
Accepting and Displaying Group Items
function keys Character User Interfaces Determining which Function Key is Pressed
**ERROR** Function Keys
The Key Lists
group item **ERROR** Accepting and Displaying Group Items
Accepting Into Group Items
indicators on status line **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
initialization module **ERROR** Overview
introduction Character User Interfaces Introduction
justification options **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
key configuration on UNIX **ERROR** Key Configuration on UNIX
keyboard handling Character User Interfaces Keyboard Handling Via Adis
**ERROR** Keyboard Handling Via Adis
keyboard-handling module **ERROR** Overview
large screens **ERROR** Large Screens
list of key functions **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
load configuration **ERROR** The Load Configuration Menu
lock keys Character User Interfaces Example
Determining Available Lock Keys
Determining Available Lock Keys
Detecting the Current State of the Lock Keys
Enabling or Disabling Lock Keys to Terminate an ACCEPT
**ERROR** Lock Keys
Lock Key Handling
Determining Available Lock Keys
Determining Available Lock Keys
Detecting the Current State of the Lock Keys
Enabling or Disabling Lock Keys to Terminate an ACCEPT
main support module **ERROR** Overview
mapping functions **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
Special Mapping Functions
mapping keys to functions **ERROR** Mapping the Adis Keys to the Functions
password concealment **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
portability **ERROR** The Need for Generic Attributes
pre-clear **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
predisplaying field contents **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
save configuration **ERROR** The Save Menu
Screen Section **ERROR** Screen Section ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements
Screen Section ACCEPT and DISPLAY Statements
shift keys Character User Interfaces Shift Key Handling
Determining Available Shift Keys
Detecting the Current State of the Shift Keys
Enabling or Disabling Shift Keys to Terminate an ACCEPT
**ERROR** Shift Keys
Shift Key Handling
Determining Available Shift Keys
Detecting the Current State of the Shift Keys
Enabling or Disabling Shift Keys to Terminate an ACCEPT
single character echo **ERROR** Get Single Character Routine
terminate ACCEPT function **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
TIMEOUT on an accept **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
timeout reset control **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
timeout units **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
UPDATE behavior options **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
user function keys **ERROR** User Function Keys
x"B0" routine conflict Character User Interfaces Function Key Handling
known errors Readme Enhanced ACCEPT/DISPLAY Syntax (Adis)
Adis Configuration utility **ERROR** Customizing Your ACCEPT/DISPLAY Environment
How Do You Modify ADISCTRL?
Configuring Enhanced ACCEPT and DISPLAY
ACCEPT/DISPLAY options **ERROR** The Alter Accept/Display Options Menu
Alter All Messages menu **ERROR** The Alter All Messages Menu
Alter All Options menu **ERROR** The Alter All ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options Menu
Alter Configuration menu **ERROR** The Alter Configuration Menu
Alter Crt-Under Highlighting menu **ERROR** The Alter Crt-Under Highlighting Menu
Alter Function Mappings menu **ERROR** The Alter Function Mappings Menu
Alter Indicators menu **ERROR** The Alter Indicators Menu
Alter Individual Messages menu **ERROR** The Alter Individual Messages Menu
Alter Individual Options menu **ERROR** The Alter Individual Options Menu
Alter Message/Indicator Positions menu **ERROR** The Alter Message/Indicator Positions Menu
Alter Messages menu **ERROR** The Alter Messages Menu
Choose Configuration menu **ERROR** The Choose Configuration Menu
command line **ERROR** Invoking the Adis Configuration Utility
configuring ACCEPT messages **ERROR** Configurable Adis ACCEPT Messages
configuring indicators **ERROR** The Alter Indicators Menu
Delete Configuration menu **ERROR** The Delete Configuration Menu
Enable/Disable Adis Keys menu **ERROR** The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
function descriptions **ERROR** Function Descriptions
functions **ERROR** Functions
key control **ERROR** The Adis Key Control Menu
Load Configuration menu **ERROR** The Load Configuration Menu
main menu **ERROR** The Adis Configuration Utility Main Menu
menus **ERROR** Menus
overriding selections **ERROR** Altering the Adis Configuration from a Program
Save menu **ERROR** The Save Menu
tab stops **ERROR** The Alter Tab Stops Menu
adis file **ERROR** Overview
Adis functions
Backspace **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
backward tab **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
carriage return **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
case conversion **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
clear field **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
clear screen **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
clear to end of field **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
clear to end of screen **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
cursor down **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
cursor left **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
cursor right **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
cursor up **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
delete character **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
End **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
Home **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
insert single character **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
insert toggle **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
move to next field **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
move to next Tab stop **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
move to previous field **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
move to previous Tab stop **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
move to start of screen **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
replace toggle **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
restore **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
restore character **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
retype **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
RM backspace **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
RM clear field **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
RM Tab **ERROR** Special Mapping Functions
set insert mode **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
set replace mode **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
terminate program **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
Undo **ERROR** Standard Adis Key Functions
Adis indicators
auto-clear **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
insert/replace mode **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
off end of field **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
positioning at run time **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
Adis keys Character User Interfaces Function Keys
Enabling and Disabling User Function Keys
**ERROR** Using the Adis Keys
The Adis Keys
conflict with x"B0" routine Character User Interfaces Conflict With the x"B0" COBOL System Library Routine
detecting **ERROR** Detection of Adis Keys
disabling in Adiscf Character User Interfaces The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
enabling and disabling **ERROR** Enabling and Disabling the Adis Keys
enabling in Adiscf Character User Interfaces The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
special mappings **ERROR** Special Mappings
Adis options
ACCEPT numeric-edited **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
auto-clear **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
auto-restore **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
auto-skip **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
COLUMN + 1 effect **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
cursor position **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
end of field **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
field overflow **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
function keys select **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
pre-clear **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
predisplay **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
prompt character **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
prompt character in PIC G **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
range of data keys **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
restrict field size **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
termination of accept **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
update field **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
user function keys **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
validation control **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
Adiscf Character User Interfaces Configuring Adis Using Adiscf
Invoking Adiscf
ACCEPT/DISPLAY options Character User Interfaces The Alter Accept/Display Options Menu
Adis Configuration utility **ERROR** Customizing Your ACCEPT/DISPLAY Environment
alter all messages menu Character User Interfaces The Alter All Messages Menu
Alter All Options menu Character User Interfaces The Alter All Options Menu
Alter Configuration menu Character User Interfaces The Alter Configuration Menu
Alter Function Mappings menu Character User Interfaces The Alter Function Mappings Menu
Alter Indicators menu Character User Interfaces The Alter Indicators Menu
alter individual messages menu Character User Interfaces The Alter Individual Messages Menu
Alter Individual Options menu Character User Interfaces The Alter Individual Options Menu
Choose Configuration menu Character User Interfaces The Choose Configuration Menu
configuring indicators Character User Interfaces The Alter Indicators Menu
Delete configuration menu Character User Interfaces The Delete Configuration Menu
Enable/Disable Adis Keys menu Character User Interfaces The Enable/Disable Adis Keys Menu
indicator position Character User Interfaces The Alter Message/Indicator Positions Menu
invoking Character User Interfaces Invoking Adiscf
key control Character User Interfaces The Adis Key Control Menu
Load Configuration menu Character User Interfaces The Load Configuration Menu
Main menu Character User Interfaces The Adiscf Main Menu
menus Character User Interfaces Menus
message position Character User Interfaces The Alter Message/Indicator Positions Menu
messages Character User Interfaces The Alter Messages Menu
Save menu Character User Interfaces The Save Menu
tab stops Character User Interfaces The Alter Tab Stops Menu
command line **ERROR** Invoking the Adis Configuration Utility
Adisctrl Character User Interfaces Configuring Adis Using Adiscf
ADISCTRL file **ERROR** Customizing Your ACCEPT/DISPLAY Environment
Why Would You Modify ADISCTRL?
Adis Configuration
default configuration **ERROR** Overview
DG ICOBOL compatibility **ERROR** Overview
IBM V1.0 compatibility **ERROR** Overview
Microsoft V2 compatibility **ERROR** Overview
modifying **ERROR** How Do You Modify ADISCTRL?
Packaging Considerations When ADISCTRL is Modified
RM compatibility **ERROR** Overview
Adisdyna module **ERROR** Overview
Adisinit module **ERROR** Overview
Adiskey module **ERROR** Overview
Enterprise Server Configuration and Administrati Introduction
responsibilities **ERROR** Metering Administration Responsibilities
responsibilities and decisions **ERROR** Responsibilities and Decisions
tasks **ERROR** Metering Administration Tasks
group working **ERROR** Administering Group Working
group worksheet **ERROR** Sharing Analysis Tools Settings
Sharing Worksheets
administration enabling **ERROR** Setting up a Group Worksheet
Administration levels SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
database administrator SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
database control SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
database maintenance SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
super user SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
system administrator SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
system control SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
administration tasks
group working **ERROR** Administration Tasks to Set Up and Run Group Working
Administrative (authority) levels SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative (Authority) Levels
Administrative mode **ERROR** Function List
Administrative performance tools SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative Performance Tools
Administrative tasks SQL Option Server Administrati Administrative Tasks
administrator **ERROR** Function List
metering **ERROR** Metering Lines of Code
admouse.cbl sample program Character User Interfaces Adding Mouse Support to Existing Applications
ADV Migration Cookbook Mainframe Directives
ADV Compiler directive Compiler Directvies ADV
Advanced Organizer Migration Cookbook From Workbench V4.0
List of Features
Advanced remote debugging **ERROR** Remote and Cross-session Debugging
**ERROR** Advanced Remote Debugging
WRITE statement COBOL Language Reference The WRITE Statement
Microsoft Character User Interfaces Microsoft Advisor Format Source Files
/af option Fileshare Guide Alternative Filename (/af)
Fileshare Server
AFTER phrase
WRITE statement COBOL Language Reference The WRITE Statement
WRITE statement COBOL Language Reference The WRITE Statement
Aggregate clause processing SQL Option Server Administrati Aggregate Clause Processing
Aggregate Clause Processing
aggregate functions Database Access Specifying Aggregate Functions for Columns
.aht file CGI-based Applications Selecting the Data
.aif file **ERROR** The .aif File and Animator
AIX export file UNIX Option Guide Publishing Applications to AIX
aixterm terminal **ERROR** Screen Borders on aixterm
Algebraic sign COBOL Language Reference Algebraic Signs
common algorithms in SSL **ERROR** Some Common Algorithms
SSL introduction **ERROR** Encryption and Decryption
Public Keys, Private Keys, and Secret Keys
ALIGN Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Implicit Synchronization
The CALL Statement
Object-oriented Programming wi Compiler Directives
Compiler Directvies ALIGN
align fields **ERROR** Component Parameters
Align function **ERROR** Align
Alignment Dialog System Guide Aligning Controls
General Portability Guidelines
decimal point COBOL Language Reference Arithmetic Statements
natural boundaries COBOL Language Reference Item Alignment for Increased Object-code Efficiency
rules COBOL Language Reference Standard Alignment Rules
Alignment toolbar Dialog System Guide Aligning Controls
ALL figurative constant COBOL Language Reference Literals
ALL phrase
UNSTRING statement COBOL Language Reference The UNSTRING Statement
ALL PROCEDURES phrase COBOL Language Reference The USE FOR DEBUGGING Statement
ALL Profiler directive **ERROR** Directives for Profiler
ALL REFERENCES OF phrase COBOL Language Reference The USE FOR DEBUGGING Statement
all reserved variable **ERROR** Special Variables
ALL subscript COBOL Language Reference Uniqueness of Reference
Uniqueness of Reference
Allocating Library Routines Memory Allocation Routines
Allocating memory Migration Cookbook List of Features
List of Routines
Allocating storage slots for data items UNIX Option Guide Using the LINKCOUNT Directive
allow extended ASCII **ERROR** Component Parameters
ALLOW statement in MFMON.CFG **ERROR** MFMON.CFG Statements
Allow/disallow null Dialog System Character Mode G Allow / Disallow Null (F2)
ALPHA Profiler directive **ERROR** Directives for Profiler
Special-Names paragraph COBOL Language Reference The Special-Names Paragraph
field Dialog System Character Mode G Data Field Definition (F2)
Define Validation Details (F8)
field format Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
ALPHABETIC test COBOL Language Reference Class Condition
Alphabetical list of Compiler directives Compiler Directvies Compiler Directives - Alphabetical List
Alphabeticdata rules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
field Dialog System Character Mode G Data Field Definition (F2)
field format Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
Alphanumeric data
non-standard operations COBOL Language Reference Non-Standard Operations on Alphanumeric Data Items
Alphanumeric data rules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
Alphanumeric editeddata rules COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
Alphanumeric fields Character User Interfaces Alphanumeric Fields
Alphanumeric fields in ACCEPT **ERROR** Alphanumeric Fields
Alphanumeric function COBOL Language Reference Data Item Functions
Alphanumeric value parameters Dialog System Character Mode G Parameters
ALPHASTART Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference The Special-Names Paragraph
Compiler Directvies ALPHASTART
Alt key **ERROR** Control and Alt Key Support
Dialog System Character Mode G Function Keys
Function Descriptions
Alt key simulation Character User Interfaces Shift Key Handling
**ERROR** Shift Key Handling
ALTER Compiler directive **ERROR** Using Directives for Fast Compilation
Compiler Directvies ALTER
Alter configuration menu
Adiscf Character User Interfaces The Alter Configuration Menu
Alter panel size Dialog System Character Mode G Alter Panel Size (F3)
Alter Path function **ERROR** Alter Path
Alter size
action bar Dialog System Character Mode G Alter Size (F7)
ALTER statement COBOL Language Reference The ALTER Statement
segmentation COBOL Language Reference The ALTER Statement
Alternate character set **ERROR** Line Drawing
Alternate indexes **ERROR** VSAM Alternate Indexes
Reverse Sequential Processing
Alternate keys File Handling Alternate Keys
Changing the Key in an Indexed File
Adding Records to an Indexed File
Alternate record key COBOL Language Reference Organization of Indexed Files
The READ Statement
The REWRITE Statement
The WRITE Statement
DG I COBOL COBOL Language Reference Alternate Keys
file control entry COBOL Language Reference The File Control Entry
Alternate record keys
compression File Handling Compression of Duplicate Keys
Alternative file status **ERROR** File Status and filestat.c
Alternative keystrokes **ERROR** cobkeymp Tables
Alternative Security Mechanism UNIX Option Guide Alternative Security Mechanism: SCP Daemon Method
configuring UNIX Option Guide Configuring the Server
security extensions UNIX Option Guide Using the Security Extensions
field Dialog System Character Mode G Amend Field (F5)
field menu Dialog System Character Mode G Amend Field (F5)
group repeats Dialog System Character Mode G Amend Group Repeats (F5)
group size Dialog System Character Mode G Amend Group Size (F2)
pulldown menu Dialog System Character Mode G Pulldown (Enter)
AMODE Compiler directive Compiler Directvies AMODE
code flow **ERROR** Enable Code Flow Analysis
Analysis Diagram **ERROR** Analysis Diagram
Analysis diagram **ERROR** Exploring the Application
analysis tool settings
importing a pattern file **ERROR** The Analysis Tools
analysis tools **ERROR** Analysis Tools and Sets
Using Analysis Tools and Sets
BMS-related data items **ERROR** Adding Screen-Related Data Items to the Worksheet
brief description **ERROR** What's in Revolve?
composite tools **ERROR** Composite Tools
constants used with data items and statements **ERROR** Finding Monetary Constants
copy or create set **ERROR** Creating Sets
create composite **ERROR** Creating a Composite Tool
creating **ERROR** Capturing a Composite Tool
customized settings **ERROR** Configuring and Saving New Settings
customizing **ERROR** Customizing the Analysis Tools
files and file-related statements from data items **ERROR** Adding Data File Information to the Worksheet
format of data items **ERROR** Searching for Data Items by Format
names of data items **ERROR** Subtracting Data Items with Non-monetary Names
scope **ERROR** Scope of the Analysis Tools
setting up **ERROR** The Analysis Tools
settings **ERROR** Changing Tool Settings for this Session
use of data items **ERROR** Subtracting Irrelevant Data Items
using **ERROR** Scope of the Analysis Tools
worksheet channel **ERROR** Creating Sets
Manipulating Sets
Moving Sets to and from the Worksheet
xml/html project reports **ERROR** Project Reports Tools
ANALYZE Compiler directive **ERROR** Syntax Checking
and CSI **ERROR** Functions, Menus, and Toggles
Analyzer Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
**ERROR** List of Features
totals **ERROR** Functions, Menus, and Toggles
And SQL Option Server Administrati Index Usage with AND and OR
anim command **ERROR** Starting Animator From the Command Line
ANIM Compiler directive Compiler Directvies ANIM
**ERROR** Generating Native Code
-g cob flag **ERROR** Descriptions of Flags
Animating CGI-based Applications Debugging the Application
a session recording **ERROR** F4=anim-sess
animating your programs Communications Animating Your Application
class libraries Object-oriented Programming wi Animating the Class Libraries
svranim parameter Communications Configuration File Parameters
frequently asked questions Readme Integrated Development Environment
tutorial Getting Started Using the Net Express IDE
Animating a Web application CGI-based Applications Tutoria Debug the Application
Animation Migration Cookbook List of Features
preparing for **ERROR** Preparing for Animation
animation commands
Step Getting Started Debugging an Application
Animator **ERROR** Debugging Your Program
Migration Cookbook From Object COBOL V4.0
Excluded Components
**ERROR** List of Features
**ERROR** Debugging Methods
Working With Animator
**ERROR** Animating a Program
application development **ERROR** Animator and Application Development
command line **ERROR** Starting Animator From the Command Line
compiling for **ERROR** Descriptions of Flags
error messages **ERROR** Run-time System Error Messages
exiting **ERROR** Escape
function keys **ERROR** The Key Lists
function keys not working **ERROR** Key Configuration on UNIX
functions **ERROR** Functions
invoking **ERROR** Starting Animator From the Command Line
menus **ERROR** Menus
multi-threading **ERROR** F4=threads
reinitializing terminal **ERROR** Wide Terminal Mode
running with SDE **ERROR** Running Animator with the SDE
screen **ERROR** The Animator Screen
start from Editor **ERROR** Starting Animator
Start Check and/or Animation (Enter)
starting **ERROR** Starting Animator
terminating **ERROR** Detach from application
tutorial **ERROR** Animating
tutorials **ERROR** Debugging Tutorials
wide terminal mode **ERROR** Wide Terminal Mode
windows **ERROR** Using the Animator Windows
Animator directives **ERROR** Directives for Animator
setting **ERROR** F9/F10=options
specifying **ERROR** Specifying Animator Directives
Animator information file **ERROR** Checking the Syntax of Your Program
**ERROR** Animator and Application Development
COBAIF Animator directive **ERROR** Description of Directives
identifying format **ERROR** Micro Focus Executable Files
Animator V2 Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
Animator Version 2 Migration Cookbook From Object COBOL V4.0
animator_interrupt_char run-time tunable **ERROR** animator_interrupt_char
known errors Readme animserv
animserv32 command **ERROR** Using the animserv Command
animserv32_t command **ERROR** Using the animserv Command
animserv64 command **ERROR** Using the animserv Command
animserv64_t command **ERROR** Using the animserv Command
annotation locking **ERROR** Function List
annotation types **ERROR** Function List
annotations **ERROR** Capturing Results
adding **ERROR** Function List
Function List
adding information **ERROR** Adding Information to Annotations
benefits of using **ERROR** Annotation
creating **ERROR** Creating an Annotation
editing **ERROR** Editing the Annotation
**ERROR** Editing Annotations
finding **ERROR** Annotation
locations **ERROR** Annotations in Shareable Projects
making public **ERROR** Function List
private **ERROR** Annotations in Shareable Projects
privatizing **ERROR** Function List
public **ERROR** Annotations in Shareable Projects
refresh **ERROR** Annotation
shareable projects **ERROR** Annotations in Shareable Projects
sorting **ERROR** Annotation
unlock **ERROR** Function List
viewing **ERROR** Viewing the Annotation
ANNUITY function COBOL Language Reference The ANNUITY Function
ANS85 Compiler directive File Handling File Status Conventions
Compiler Directvies ANS85
ANS85 DIALECT setting Compiler Directvies ANS85 DIALECT setting
ANSI character set Host Compatibility Option Tech Overview
conversion to EBCDIC Host Compatibility Option Tech MFHCOEBC
ANSI COBOL COBOL Language Reference The COBOL Language
Debug module COBOL Language Reference Debug Module
File status COBOL Language Reference ANSI File Status Summary
ANSI color terminal **ERROR** Color
ANSI constants Dialog System Character Mode G Copyfile Defaults
ANSI file status codes COBOL Language Reference ANSI File Status Summary
ANSI to EBCDIC conversion File Handling Converting Between EBCDIC and ANSI
EBCDIC to ANSI Conversion
ANSI'74 file status File Handling ANSI'74 File Status
ANSI'85 file status File Handling ANSI'85 File Status
converting Getting Started Convert a File's Character Set
Data File Editor Getting Started View the EBCDIC File
ANY clause Library Routines The ANY Keyword
Using the Library Routine Type Definitions and Call Prototypes
ANY LENGTH clause COBOL Language Reference The ANY LENGTH Clause
ANY-OTHER-EVENT Dialog System Guide How Dialog System Searches for Event Dialog
ANYO Dialog System Character Mode G Any Other Key
/ap option Fileshare Guide Virtual File Handler (/ap)
Fileshare Server
APOST Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Literals
Compiler Directvies APOST
.app files Getting Started Projects and Project Folders
APPC Configuring CCI CCIAPPC Configuration
workstation configuration **ERROR** Configuring CCI with APPC
definition **ERROR** VTAM and NCP Entries
Applet CGI-based Applications Introduction to JavaScript
Cross-platform Compatibility
AIX UNIX Option Guide Publishing Applications to AIX
CGI UNIX Option Guide CGI Applications
Problems with CGI Applications
COBSQL UNIX Option Guide Using COBSQL with Database Applications
creating **ERROR** Packaging Applications
Dialog System Guide Steps for Creating an Application Using Dialog System
CGI-based Applications Creating New CGI-based Applications
database UNIX Option Guide Using COBSQL with Database Applications
Developing a Deployable Database Application
development cycle **ERROR** The Development Cycle
dual-mode **ERROR** Shipping Dual-mode Applications
executable **ERROR** Creating Dynamically Loadable Files
generated files CGI-based Applications Adding Functionality to the Skeleton Server-Side Program
importing into Net Express UNIX Option Guide Importing UNIX Applications into Net Express
initializing Multi-threaded Programming Initializing Applications
packaging **ERROR** Packaging Applications
Packaging Applications
programmable interface **ERROR** Application Program Interface
publishing UNIX Option Guide Publishing Applications
publishing overview UNIX Option Guide Overview of Publishing Applications
running **ERROR** Running Your Application
shipping **ERROR** Shipping Applications
state CGI-based Applications Maintaining Application State
steps to create Dialog System Guide Steps for Creating an Application Using Dialog System
writing multi-threaded Multi-threaded Programming Writing Multi-threaded Applications
XML-enabling XML Input/Output Tutorials Migrating to XML
XML-enabling a Legacy Program
Application abends Configuration and Administrati Types of Failure
Application Configuration System Migration Cookbook Excluded Components
List of Features
Application container Interface Mapping Toolkit The Application Container
Application conversion
GUI to HTML Migration Cookbook Converting Windows GUIs to HTML
Application development
Animator **ERROR** Animator and Application Development
Application Development Client Host Compatibility Option Tech What to do First
Application dumps
enterprise server Configuration and Administrati Dumps and Traces
application files
deploying for service Interface Mapping Toolkit Tuto Specify Deployment Settings
Application for database access
creating CGI-based Applications Tutoria Create the Project, Forms, and Programs
Application Output window
hide not close Getting Started Before Continuing
Application Server **ERROR** List of Features
Application subsystem routine Library Routines Application Subsystem Routines
Application template
GUI Object-oriented Programming wi Overview
Application-managed services Configuration and Administrati Application-managed Services
Interface Mapping Toolkit Application-managed Services
Enterprise Server Interface Mapping Toolkit Preparing Applications for Enterprise Server
APPLY clause COBOL Language Reference The I-O-Control Paragraph
environment Deployment Licensing Guide Setting Up the Environment
installing licenses Deployment Licensing Guide Installing and Administering Micro Focus Server Licenses
password Deployment Licensing Guide Setting an AppTrack Password
running Deployment Licensing Guide Running AppTrack
AppTrack utility **ERROR** AppTrack
APSREPT file type **ERROR** General Questions
APSSCRN file type **ERROR** General Questions
Archive library **ERROR** Linking
arcs **ERROR** Object Identifiers
Area A COBOL Language Reference Fixed Format
Areas A and B
Reference Format Representation
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference Areas A and B
Area B COBOL Language Reference Fixed Format
Areas A and B
Reference Format Representation
Siemens BS2000 COBOL COBOL Language Reference Areas A and B
AREACHECK Compiler directive Compiler Directvies AREACHECK
intrinsic functions COBOL Language Reference Arguments
arguments_are_initial run-time tunable **ERROR** Triggers
ARITH(EXTEND) mainframe option Compiler Directvies INTLEVEL
compiler directives Compiler Directvies Run-time Behavior - Arithmetic
migrating Migration Cookbook Undefined Results
ARITHMETIC Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Intermediate Results
**ERROR** ARITHMETIC Compiler Directive
Compiler Directvies ARITHMETIC
Arithmetic expression COBOL Language Reference Arithmetic Expressions
Arithmetic operations
DG I COBOL **ERROR** Arithmetic of Group Level Items
RM/COBOL **ERROR** Running the Code
Arithmetic operator COBOL Language Reference The VALUE Clause
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic statement COBOL Language Reference Arithmetic Statements
multiple results COBOL Language Reference Multiple Results in Arithmetic Statements
arithmetics options **ERROR** Impact Through
checking size Dialog System Character Mode G Checking the Size of an Array
deleting Dialog System Character Mode G Inserting and Deleting Fields in an Array
indicator arrays Database Access Indicator Arrays
inserting Dialog System Character Mode G Inserting and Deleting Fields in an Array
OpenESQL Assistant Database Access Changing a SELECT (cursor) query to do an Array FETCH
host arrays Database Access Host Arrays
AS and ES licenses
database Deployment Licensing Guide The License Database
environment Deployment Licensing Guide Setting Up the Environment
installing Deployment Licensing Guide Installing and Administering Micro Focus Server Licenses
problems using developer licenses Deployment Licensing Guide Problems Using Developer Testing Licenses
AS phrase
Repository paragraph COBOL Language Reference The Repository Paragraph
ASCENDING KEY clause COBOL Language Reference The OCCURS Clause
MERGE statement COBOL Language Reference The MERGE Statement
SORT statement COBOL Language Reference The SORT Statement
ASCII **ERROR** Line Sequential Files
character set COBOL Language Reference Character Sets and Collating Sequences
ASCII character set
JCL applications MTO Configuration and Administ Character Sets
ASCII files **ERROR** Character Sets
ASCII keys Dialog System Character Mode G ASCII Keys
ASCII VALUE configuration parameter Dialog System Character Mode G Printing Defaults
ASCII/EBCDIC translation tables **ERROR** EBCDIC/ASCII Translation Tables
ASIN function COBOL Language Reference The ASIN Function
ask function **ERROR** Function List
ASLMFNET environment variable Deployment Licensing Guide Setting Up the Environment
ASMLIST Migration Cookbook List of Features
ASN.1 **ERROR** Overview
ASN.1 compiler **ERROR** ASN.1 Compiler
Assembler extension **ERROR** Assembler Extension
features **ERROR** Assembler Macro Support
features supported **ERROR** Features Supported
macros **ERROR** Assembler Macro Support
product description **ERROR** Assembler Product Description
technical information **ERROR** Technical Information
Assembler support **ERROR** Assembler
Assembly-Attributes paragraph COBOL Language Reference The Assembly-Attributes Paragraph
ASSIGN clause
file control entry COBOL Language Reference The File Control Entry
RM/COBOL COBOL Language Reference The ASSIGN Clause
ASSIGN Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference The File Control Entry
Compiler Directvies ASSIGN
assign items to owner option **ERROR** Setting Up the Project and the Group Worksheet
ASSIGN"DYNAMIC" Compiler directive File Handling Dynamic Filename Assignment
ASSIGN-PRINTER Compiler directive Compiler Directvies ASSIGN-PRINTER
Assigning filenames File Handling Assigning Filenames
dynamic File Handling Dynamic Filename Assignment
external File Handling External Filename Assignment
static File Handling Static Filename Assignment
to devices File Handling Assigning Device Names
assignment rules
editing **ERROR** Defining Assignment Rules
sharing **ERROR** Types of Classifications
Assignments file CGI-based Applications Selecting the Data
associated master field Dialog System Tutorials Add Controls to the Screenset
associated program
basic tutorial Dialog System Tutorials Completing and Running Your Windows GUI Application
editing Dialog System Tutorials Edit the COBOL Program
Edit the COBOL Program
Associations Object-oriented Programming wi Creating Dictionaries
Assumed decimal point symbol COBOL Language Reference The PICTURE Clause
Asterisk COBOL Language Reference Sequence Number
Indicator Area
Free Format
to expand tree Getting Started Create the Conditional Record Layouts
Asterisk character Dialog System Guide Comments
Asymmetric application CGI-based Applications Tutoria Symmetric and Asymmetric
Asymmetric server-side program CGI-based Applications More Complex Applications
Creating an Asymmetric Server-side Program
Beginning a New Internet Application
example CGI-based Applications Example
Asynchronous processing MTO Configuration and Administ Asynchronous Processing
Asynchronous requests Communications Connecting Your Client Program to mfclient
AT END condition COBOL Language Reference AT END Condition with Unsuccessful Completion
The AT END Condition
OPEN statement COBOL Language Reference The OPEN Statement
AT END phrase
READ statement COBOL Language Reference The READ Statement
SEARCH statement COBOL Language Reference The SEARCH Statement
with windowing syntax Character User Interfaces Windowing Restrictions
**ERROR** Windowing Restrictions
ATAN function COBOL Language Reference The ATAN Function
atoi function **ERROR** Function List
Attachmate EXTRA! Personal Client v6.1 and v6.2 Configuring CCI Attachmate Personal Client v6.1 and v6.2
Attachmate EXTRA! Personal Client v6.3 Configuring CCI Attachmate Personal Client v6.3
attack types in SSL **ERROR** Attacks
Attribute COBOL Language Reference Explicit and Implicit Attributes
additive **ERROR** Highlighting
byte Character User Interfaces Attribute Encoding
IBM PC Color Attribute Encoding
**ERROR** Attribute Encoding
character **ERROR** Generic Display Attributes
data Multi-threaded Programming Use of Data Attributes
default background Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
default settings **ERROR** Default Attribute Mappings and Compatibility
displaying **ERROR** Displaying Characters and Attributes
encoding Character User Interfaces UNIX Attribute Encoding
**ERROR** Attribute Encoding
environment information **ERROR** Requests for Information
functions Dialog System Character Mode G Functions
generic/IBM compatibility **ERROR** Default Attribute Mappings and Compatibility
group menu Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Groups
groups Dialog System Character Mode G Group Types
Attribute Groups
palette,panel painting Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
parameters Dialog System Character Mode G Parameters
querying meaning **ERROR** Attribute Table Operations
screen **ERROR** Attribute Encoding
Generic Display Attributes
The User Attribute
serial Multi-threaded Programming Serial Programs
static panel Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
terminal display **ERROR** IBM PC Display Attributes
THREAD-LOCAL Multi-threaded Programming Use of Data Attributes
user **ERROR** Attribute Encoding
The User Attribute
Attribute roll Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
draw Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Roll (F6)
Attribute Roll
panel painting Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Roll (F6)
Attribute roll
selection bar Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Roll (F6)
Attribute setting
routines **ERROR** Attribute Table Operations
Attribute table
definition **ERROR** How Generic Attributes Work
specifying entries **ERROR** A Simple Example of Application
Attributes Dialog System Character Mode G Colorize (F8)
Tutorial 7 – Virtual Attributes
Tutorial 9 – Input Attributes and Procedures
Object-oriented Programming wi Objects
auxiliary field Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
color display Character User Interfaces IBM PC Color Attribute Encoding
color/mono compatibility Character User Interfaces IBM PC Monochrome Attribute Encoding
error field Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
field entry Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
mono display Character User Interfaces IBM PC Monochrome Attribute Encoding
of panel Dialog System Character Mode G Attributes
palette Dialog System Character Mode G Defaults for Palettes and Attributes
screen Character User Interfaces Attribute Encoding
terminal display Character User Interfaces IBM PC Display Attributes
user Character User Interfaces Attribute Encoding
attributes **ERROR** Attributes
lines **ERROR** Attributes
location **ERROR** Attributes
name **ERROR** Attributes
size **ERROR** Attributes
audit trail of worksheet entries **ERROR** Monitoring the Points of Interest
Audit trails Communications Creating Audit Trails
Auditing system usage SQL Option Server Administrati Auditing System Usage
AuthID SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Using AUTHID to Change Table Qualifier
SQL Option Server Administrati Authorization IDs
GroupID SQL Option Server Administrati Authorization IDs
Group or GroupID
information storage SQL Option Server Administrati Special Registers
list user exit SQL Option Server Administrati AuthID List User Exit
primary SQL Option Server Administrati AuthID Ownership and Usage Rules
Authorization IDs
Primary AuthID
secondary SQL Option Server Administrati AuthID Ownership and Usage Rules
SecondaryID SQL Option Server Administrati SecondaryID
SQLID SQL Option Server Administrati Authorization IDs
AuthID list user exit SQL Option Server Administrati AuthID List User Exit
AuthID ownership and usage rules SQL Option Server Administrati AuthID Ownership and Usage Rules
Author paragraph COBOL Language Reference Identification Division - General Description
Authorization id SQL Option Server Administrati Authorization IDs
Authorization ids SQL Option Server Administrati Authorization IDs
AUTO clause COBOL Language Reference The AUTO Clause
AUTO option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
Auto properties Dialog System Guide Creating the Sample Window Object
Adis indicator **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
Adis option **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
enabling/disabling in Adis **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
Auto-refresh Configuration and Administrati Refreshing a Page
Auto-restore **ERROR** ACCEPT/DISPLAY Options
automatic in Adis **ERROR** General Data Entry
enabling/disabling **ERROR** Adis Run-time Configuration
AUTO-SKIP clause COBOL Language Reference The AUTO Clause
AUTO-SKIP option COBOL Language Reference The ACCEPT Statement
Autobind SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Specifying Options with AUTOBIND
Autobinding SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Autobinding
examples SQL Option Preprocessor Guide Examples of Autobinding Multiple DBRM's
AUTOCLOSE preprocessor directive Character User Interfaces Windowing Restrictions
**ERROR** Windowing Restrictions
AUTOCOMMIT Readme Q? How does OpenESQL handle transactions?
Migration Cookbook Summary of Changes
Autocommit SQL Option Server Administrati Autocommit
Autofix Readme Integrated Development Environment
AUTOHOTSPOT On-line Help Builder directive Character User Interfaces The Directives
AUTOLOCK Compiler directive COBOL Language Reference Default Record Locking
Compiler Directvies AUTOLOCK
AUTOLOGON option for Compare and Synchronize Monitor **ERROR** Starting
automated project management **ERROR** Automating Project Management
backup Fileshare Guide Automatic Database Backup and Rollforward Recovery
Backup Folder Record
record lock timeout Fileshare Guide Automatic Record Lock Timeout
data type allocation **ERROR** Allocating Data Types
data type assignment **ERROR** Defining Assignment Rules
Automatic Component Locator **ERROR** ACL
tutorial **ERROR** Creating a Project
Automatic data item COBOL Language Reference Automatic, Initial and Static
Automatic file connector COBOL Language Reference Automatic, Initial and Static
automatic file extensions **ERROR** Extensions
Function List
automatic impact tracing
tutorial **ERROR** Tracing Impacts Automatically
Automatic record lock COBOL Language Reference Single Record Locking
Multiple Record Locking
Microsoft COBOL COBOL Language Reference Record LOCKING
Automatic record locking File Handling Automatic Record Locking
automatic typing **ERROR** Extensions
Function List
Automatically growable collections Object-oriented Programming wi Different Categories of Collection
Automatically modifying files UNIX Option Guide Automatically Modifying Files
field property Dialog System Character Mode G The Popup Panel
auxiliary code
embedding Database Access Embedding Auxiliary Code
OpenESQL Assistant Database Access Auxiliary Code
Auxiliary field attributes Dialog System Character Mode G Attribute Palette (F3)
AUXOPT Migration Cookbook List of Features

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