Display Category

Using this tab, you can configure how the page, cursor, and characters will appear on the screen, as well as other options that affect how the session window operates.

Table 35 Display Tab Options



Number Of Pages

Type the maximum number of pages to use (1-99).

You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

A page is a data buffer from the host that consists of a specific number of columns and lines. The host application determines how many pages it sends to the PC. If you are not sure how many pages to specify here, contact your host administrator.

Lines Per Page

Type the number of lines per page (1-50).

You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

Each line represents one row.

Characters Per Line

Type the number of characters per line (1-132).

You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

Each character represents one column.

Auto Focus

Select this option to bring this session to the foreground if T27 receives a message from the host while you are using another session or application.

If you clear this option, the host message remains on the screen, but the T27 session will not receive focus automatically.

Cursor Blink

Select this option to make the cursor blink.

If you clear this option, the cursor will not blink.

Cursor Shape

Click the shape that you want the cursor to have in the session window:

To make the cursor look like select:

  • Block: a rectangle

  • Underline: A horizontal line

  • Vertical Bar: A vertical line

Alt US Char

Type the hexadecimal value of the character to use for the unit separator field delimiter in forms mode. (A unit separator starts each left-justified field.)

You can also select the desired value using the arrow buttons. The corresponding ASCII character appears next to the text box.

The most common unit separator is hexadecimal 0x005B.

RS Char

Type the hexadecimal value of the character to use for the record separator field delimiter in forms mode. (A record separator ends all fields.)

You can also select the desired value using the arrow buttons. The corresponding ASCII character appears next to the text box.

The most common record separator is hexadecimal 0x005D.

At End Of Field

Click the action that you want the cursor to take when it appears in the last position in a field.

Forms Delimiter Visible

Select this option to make the delimiter characters visible in forms mode.If you clear this option, a space appears instead of the character.

To specify the number of pages

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. In the Number Of Pages text box, type the maximum number of pages to use in the session window (1-99).

    You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

    A page is a data buffer from the host that consists of a specific number of columns and lines. The host application determines how many pages it sends to the PC. If you are not sure how many pages to specify here, contact your host administrator

To specify the number of lines per page

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. In the Lines Per Page text box, type the number of lines per page (1-50).

    You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

    Each line represents one row.

To specify the number of characters per line

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. In the Characters Per Line text box, type the number of characters per line (1-132).

    You can also specify the number using the arrow buttons.

    Each character represents one column.

To specify the cursor shape

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. From the Cursor Shape list box, click the shape that you want the cursor to have.

To specify whether the session receives focus when a host message is received

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  3. Do one of the following:


    Do this

    Give the T27 session the focus

    Select Auto Focus.

    Retain focus on the window or application that you were using when the host message was received

    Clear Auto Focus.

To specify whether the cursor blinks

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. Do one of the following:


    Do this

    Make the cursor blink

    Select Cursor Blink.

    Keep the cursor static

    Clear Cursor Blink.

To specify the unit separator character in forms mode

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. In the Alt US Char text box, type the hexadecimal value of the character to use for the unit separator field delimiter in forms mode. (A unit separator starts each left-justified field.)

    You can also select the desired value using the arrow buttons. The corresponding ASCII character appears next to the text box.

    The most common unit separator is hexadecimal 0x005B.

To specify the record separator character in forms mode

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. In the RS Char text box, type the hexadecimal value of the character to use for the record separator field delimiter in forms mode. (A record separator ends all fields.)

    You can also select the desired value using the arrow buttons. The corresponding ASCII character appears next to the text box.

    The most common record separator is hexadecimal 0x005D.

To specify the cursor action at the end of a field

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. From the At End Of Field list box, click the action that you want the cursor to take when it appears in the last position in a field and another character is typed:



    Go to the next field

    Skip To Next.

    Remain in the current field

    Remain In Current.

To show or hide the delimiters

  1. If a T27 session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Settings.

  3. From the Categories list box, click Display.

  4. Do one of the following:


    Do this

    Show the delimiter characters

    Select Forms Delimiter Visible.

    Display a space instead of the delimiter characters

    Clear Forms Delimiter Visible.

NOTE:This setting is in effect only in forms mode.