When you configure INT1, you must create at least one environment.
Each environment includes the following information:
The word or phrase that the PC must send to the host to establish a connection with the host and access a particular host operating mode or application (such as TIP, Demand)
Any initial transaction associated with the host application you want to run (for example, to run MAPPER, you transmit the ^ symbol)
The connection to use
When you configure your INT1 paths, each path will use a particular environment.
DEFAULT Environment
INT1 includes support for a special environment called the DEFAULT environment.
Like all other environments, the DEFAULT environment includes an application name, initial transaction (if any), connection, and TSAP (only if you’re using a Host LAN Controller or a Distributed Communications Processor in IP router mode). And like other environments, the DEFAULT environment can be the environment specified by a particular path.
However, including or omitting the DEFAULT environment from the list of configured environments affects how INT1 operates.
If you create a DEFAULT environment, you can type a $$OPEN command for any host application. INT1 sends the specified application name to the host using the connection specified for the DEFAULT environment. This provides added flexibility for accessing host applications.
If you omit the DEFAULT environment, you can type a $$OPEN command for only those host applications included in the Environments list box. If you type a $$OPEN command using a name that is not on the list, you cannot access that host application. This provides an added level of security for you host applications.
Table 26 Environment Options
Options |
Description |
Environments |
Type the $$OPEN name that you will use during terminal emulation to access the host application (up to 12 characters). For example, to access the host application by typing $$OPEN MAPPER during terminal emulation, you would type MAPPER in this text box. |
Application |
Type the name of the host application or host operating mode to be accessed (up to 12 characters). This is the word or phrase that the PC sends to the host when you first establish communication with the host. If you were using a host terminal, this would be the $$OPEN name of the application. The application name is typically the same as the environment name. However, they can be different. For example, the environment name might be MAPPER, and the application might be UDSSRC. During a terminal emulation session, you would type $$OPEN MAPPER at the prompt, and INT1 would send UDSSRC to the host once the connection is established. |
Initial Transaction |
Type the character, word, or phrase that the PC will send to the host when communication with the host is first established (up to 15 characters). This parameter is optional and is primarily used with TIP. For example, you might type ^ to run MAPPER. This parameter can also be used to transmit passwords. |
Link To |
Click the option that indicates which type of connection to use: To connect to the host using this
Connections |
Click the connection to use for this environment. If you have not created any connections, click the Connection tab and create one. |
Authentication Method |
Select the method of authentication you will use to verify user credentials:
Target Account |
Type the host name of the Kerberos server you will authenticate with.If you're not sure what to type, contact your system administrator. |
Type the desired Transport Service Access Point (TSAP), up to 32 characters (such as TIPCSU for TIP connections, RSDCSU for Demand connections). If you have already defined a TSAP for this connection, that TSAP appears in the text box. If you’re not sure what value to use, contact your host administrator. |
Path Name |
Click the path to use for this environment. This list box lists all paths in the InfoConnect database that have INT1 as the application type in their path or path template configuration. If you have not manually created any TCP/IP paths after INT1 installation, click Internal Connection. |