Path Wizard

There are two types of host paths, single connection paths and pooled connection paths.

A single connection path contains configuration data for only one connection to a host. If you create single connection paths, you must create one for each networked PC that connects to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway. For example, if 50 networked PCs connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway, you must create 50 single connection paths.

A pooled connection path contains configuration data for multiple connections to a host. If you create pooled connection paths, you need to create only one for all the networked PCs that connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway.

For example, if 50 networked PCs connect to InfoConnect Airlines Gateway, all 50 can connect to the host using the same pooled connection path.

To create a host path

  1. Open Gateway Administrator.

  2. From the Path menu, select Add Host Path.

    You can also create a host path when creating a configuration translation.

  3. Respond to the prompts in the Path Wizard.

The Path Wizard guides you through creating a new host path.