Station ID
Type a unique station identifier (up to 16 characters) to use for the communication session associated with this path. If you're not sure what to type, contact your system administrator.
Each Station ID should be unique within the entire network. If you're using Connection Manager and data appears in this text box, the path is a single connection path. This text box is dimmed if data appears in the Pooled Station IDs list box.
Pooled Station IDs
Type a unique station identifier (up to 16 characters) for a communication session that uses this path.
Each Station ID should be unique within the entire network. When you click Add, the Station ID is added to the list box. You can also remove a Station ID from this list box by clicking the desired Station ID from the list box and clicking Delete.
If data appears in this list box, the path is a pooled connection path.
Click this button to add the specified item to the list.
Click this button to delete the selected item from the list.
Device Type
Click the type of device the PC is emulating while using this path.
Click ... |
to use this path with ... |
Terminal |
T27 or th T27 viewer |
Printer |
T27 Print Services or the T27 printer applet |
Auto Select
Select this option to have TCP-A select the appropriate terminal emulation type.
If you clear this option, you must click a terminal emulation type from the adjacent list box.
If you are using TCP/IP transport and T27, select Auto Select. However, if you are using a different TCP/IP transport or emulator, clearing this item and manually selecting the terminal emulation type might enhance the performance of TCP-A.
Terminal Type
If you clear Auto Select, click the type of terminal to emulate.
EBCDIC Datastream
Select this option to have the printer session negotiate an EBCDIC datastream for printing.If you clear this option, the printer session will negotiate an ASCII datastream.
Session Modes
Select or clear the desired options:
Invisible:The cursor remains in the same position when you transmit data to the host rather than moving to the next line.
Scrolling:The screen automatically scrolls as data is received from the host.
Transparent:The transport ignores any control codes in the host data while the session is in nonforms mode.
Select this option to scroll the screen automatically as data is received from the host. If you clear this option, the screen does not scroll automatically, and any data that extends beyond the end of the page is not visible.
Select this option to have the cursor remain in the same position when you transmit data to the host rather than moving to the next line. If you clear this option, the cursor moves to the next line when you transmit.
Select this option to have the transport ignore any control codes in the host data while the session is in nonforms mode. If you clear this option, control codes in the host data will be in effect while the session is in nonforms mode.
Line Width Click the number of characters that should appear in a line of text sent from the host.
This should match the number of columns handled by your terminal emulation session or printer. For example, if you set the Line Width to 80 but your terminal emulation session is configured for 132 columns, only 80 characters will appear in each line of your terminal emulation session; the remaining characters will wrap to the next line.
#Host IP Address Or Domain Name
Type the IP address (TCP/IP Internet address) or domain name of the host, using the following guidelines:
If you’re using an IP address, type the address using four groups of digits (0-255) separated by periods (such as
If you’re using a domain name, type the domain name of the host (up to 63 characters).
If the host is in a different domain than the PC, type the domain name of the host using the following syntax:
where name is the name of the host, domain is the domain or group in which name is located, and type is the three-character type of the domain (such as mil, com, or edu). For example, the domain name for the host Joshua in the military domain Defcon might be
Click this button to configure advanced TCP/IP options, such as TCP or UDP socket options or the lingering value.
Path Options
Select or clear the desired options.
Traced: Enable the creation of a log file containing diagnostic information about the data flow in the session that uses this path
Hidden: Mark the path as hidden (it does not appear in the InfoConnect Managers application window unless you’re logged in as an administrator)
System: Mark the path for internal use by other transports (it does not appear in the InfoConnect Managers application window unless you’re logged in as an administrator)
Select this option to enable the creation of a log file containing diagnostic information about the data flow in the session that uses this path. (Selecting this option does not create the log file. To do that, you must initiate the trace using the InfoConnect Manager. Selecting this option simply lets you control which paths are traced and which are not.)
If you clear this option, diagnostic information about this path will not be gathered.
Select this option to mark the path as hidden (it does not appear in the Select InfoConnect Path dialog box or the InfoConnect Manager's application window unless you’re logged in as an administrator).
If you clear this option, this path will appear in the Select InfoConnect Path dialog box and the InfoConnect Manager's application window.
Select this option to mark the path for internal use by other transports (it does not appear in the Select InfoConnect Path dialog box or the InfoConnect Manager's application window unless you’re logged in as an administrator).
If you clear this option, this path can be used by accessories and will appear in the Select InfoConnect Path dialog box and the InfoConnect Manager's application window.