Terminal Device
Type the name of the terminal device to emulate.
The default value is MT983. Other options are TD830, TTY, and AP1300 (for printing).
Virtual Terminal
Type any valid BNA virtual terminal name to identify the kind of virtual terminal expected by the host, or type NONE to skip all editing.For printing, the Virtual Terminal should be TRANSLUCENT.
Control Character
Type the character to be used to identify control messages to be intercepted by HLCNTS instead of sent to the application.
Page Size
Type the initial setting of your terminal's page size.
For printing, the recommended values are 24 for Length and 80 for Width.
Maximum Message Size
Type the maximum size (in bytes) of your input and output messages.
The Input message is the message that the PC receives from the host; the Output message is the message that the PC sends to the host. Unless your host is configured differently, use the default values.
For printing, the recommended values are 2100 for Input and 2500 for Output.
Unique Terminal
Select this option to indicate a unique terminal name.
It is required for each session at each host.
Input Edit
If the Virtual Terminal is LSCANDE, you can select or clear this option.
If you select this option, the PC will handle editing functions, such as moving the cursor to the next line. This can improve session response time.
If you clear this option, the host will handle the editing functions.
Select this option to have the data on the screen move up one line each time you transmit.
If you clear this option, the data will remain in the same position.
This feature might not be supported by all host applications
Line Folding
Select this option to wrap data to a second line if your PC receives a line from the host that is longer than the specified page size width.
If you clear this option, the data will be truncated.
Receive Messages
Select this option to return text messages to the application (or terminal) when the session with the host is broken or when attempts to establish an HLCNTS connection fail.
If you clear this option, the reason for a rejected connection is returned via a standard InfoConnect error, which allows the application to take special actions to manage its connection status.
Click one of the following options:
In: Only send data to the host
Out: Only receive data from the host (typically for printing)
I/O: Both send and receive data to and from the host