Icon/Window Tab

Using this tab, you can specify the icon to use for this session in My Computer or Windows Explorer. You can also change the session name that appears in the title bar of the session window.

Configurable Options



Click the icon to use for this session. This icon appears in My Computer and Windows Explorer and for any shortcuts for this session.

If you do not select an icon, Accessory Manager uses a default icon.


To include variables in the Build Caption text box, double-click a keyword in this list box.


ENVIRON_NAME: Any text of your choice. You specify this text by using the -E command line parameter when you run Accessory Manager.

HOST_APPNAME: The host application name associated with the path.

PATHNAME: The name of the path currently being used by this session.

PROFILE: The name of the session profile (without the file name extension).

PROFILE.EXT : The name of the session profile, including the file name extension (.ADP).

Build Caption

Enter the name you want to display in the title bar for the session.

You can select variables from the Keywords list box. For example, if you want the title bar to display the name of the session and the path the session is using, you could select PROFILE from the Keywords list box, enter any text or separators (such as a space or hyphen) in the Build Caption text box, then select PATHNAME from the Keywords list box.

The default for this setting is the profile name, without the file extension.

To build a caption

  1. If a session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Session Preferences.

  3. Under Build Caption, enter the name you want to display in the title bar for the session.

    You can select variables from the Keywords list box. For example, if you want the title bar to display the name of the session and the path the session is using, you could select PROFILE from the Keywords list box, enter any text or separators (such as a space or hyphen) in the Build Caption text box, then select PATHNAME from the Keywords list box.

    To display the default title bar caption (the word Session followed by the session profile name and extension), select the Default command button.

To specify the session icon

  1. If a session is not already open, open one.

  2. From the Options menu, click Session Preferences.

  3. From the Icon group box, click the icon to use for this session.

    This icon appears in My Computer and Windows Explorer and for any shortcuts for this session. If you do not select an icon, Accessory Manager uses a default icon. To select an icon other than the ones displayed on this tab, click Browse and select the desired icon file.