You can configure several aspects of how the mouse operates during a session:
The action to be performed by single and double clicks of the left and right mouse button.\
Whether or not to transmit after you double-click either mouse button.
Whether the cursor moves to the text selection when you select text or remains in its original position.
The default selection style.
Single and Double Clicks
Mouse single clicks can perform the following actions:
No action.
Position the cursor at the mouse pointer location.
Position the cursor at the mouse pointer location and place the letter Y there.
The Transmit keystroke.
Display a context menu (secondary mouse button only).
Mouse double clicks can perform the following actions:
No action.
Select a word.
Send the word under the mouse pointer to the emulator.
Send the word under the pointer to the emulator as a terminal keystroke (that is, enclosed in angle brackets).
Send the character under the mouse pointer to the emulator.
Run a CASL macro that has the same name as the word under the pointer.
If you specify an action for both the single and double click of the same button, double-clicking the mouse will perform both actions. For example, if you configure the left mouse single-click to position the cursor, and the left mouse double-click to select a word, then when you double-click, you will both position the cursor and select the word.
NOTE:If you configure the right mouse double-click, be sure to change the right mouse single-click from Context Menu to No Action. If the right mouse single-click remains Context Menu, the right mouse double-click also performs that action.
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