TN5250 Connection General Page (AS/400)

Use this dialog box to define basic options for this type of connection. You will need to know the Host alias name or IP address and the port number to set up your connection properly.

NOTE:If you access this dialog box using the Settings command from the Options menu, you must restart the session before changes take effect.

Table 15 TN5250 Connection General Page Options



Host Options

Sets the Host Options for the current server.

Host Name

Sets the host link for the current network connection. Type the host name or select one from the list.

Host Alias/IP Address

Sets either the numeric IP address or the alias name of the remote host. This option is case-sensitive. If the Host Name has been entered, the system detects the IP address from the network and displays automatically.

Port Number

Specifies the port address that matches the port address on the server. The maximum length of an address is 4 digits; the default is 23.

Connection Options

Contains various connection options.

Connection Timeout

Increase or decrease the Timeout value.

Auto Reconnect

Instructs Extra! to automatically reconnect the session to the host when the connection to the host is lost because the host system is configured to disconnect from sessions due to lack of activity.

Auto Exit

If Auto Exit is enabled, the Extra! session will exit if disconnected by the host. This setting is disabled if Auto Reconnect is enabled.

Keep Alive Option

To become aware of connection problems as they occur, you can configure Extra! to send Keep Alive packets. The methods available are:

None: Extra! does not send keep-alive packets to the host. (Default setting.)

Send NOP Packets: Extra! periodically sends a No Operation (NOP) command to the host. The gateway and host are not required to respond to these commands, but the TCP/IP stack can detect if there was a problem delivering the packet.

Send Timing Mark Packets: Extra! periodically sends a Timing Mark Command to the host to determine if the connection is still active. The gateway or host should respond to these commands. If Extra! does not receive a response or there is an error sending the packet, it will update the communication trace to indicate that there was a problem with Timing Mark Packet.

System Controlled: The TCP/IP stack keeps track of the host connection. This method requires less system resources than Send Timing Mark Packets or Send NOP Packets, but most TCP/IP stacks send Keep Alive packets infrequently.

Keep Alive Interval (Secs)

Specifies the interval between the keep-alive requests sent by Extra!. The range of values is 240 to 9999 seconds; the default value is 600 seconds.

Security Options

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are protocols designed to provide privacy between a client and a server. These protocols begin with a handshake phase that negotiates an encryption algorithm and keys and authenticates the server to the client. Once the handshake is complete and transmission of application data begins, all data is encrypted using the session keys negotiated during the handshake.

Security type

Enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) for a TN5250 session by selecting SSL V3.0 or TLS 1.x. This establishes an encrypted secure channel between TN5250 sessions and the remote system.

Select the item No Security to disable SSL/TLS.

Verify Server Identity

Select to ensure a higher level of security by requiring that the host name in the client configuration match the common name in the servers x509 security certificate, and that the servers x509 certificate is verified against the root certificate database for an additional trust relationship verification. The default is not selected.