Using Extra! you can communicate with an AS/400 via a TCP/IP protocol. Extra! supports TCP/IP software of major network vendors who support the Windows Sockets (WinSock) 1.1 specification. Extra! TN5250 connectivity supports the complete range of terminal types on single or multiple hosts.
You can change these settings when creating a new session using the Extra! New Session wizard, or during a current session, through the Connections category of the Settings dialog box.
To configure a TN5250 connection
From the Start menu, choose the Extra! program.
Choose the option Creating a New Session, then choose OK.
In the New Session wizard, select the type of session you want, then choose Next.
Use the instructions on the following screens, and online Help to complete the New Session wizard.
NOTE:You can also start the New Session wizard from a session that is currently open: from the File menu, choose New Session.
To edit an existing TN5250 connection
From the Options menu, choose the Settings command.
From the Category list in the Settings dialog box, choose Connection.
In the Settings - TN5250 dialog box, make the changes you want for the current connection.
NOTE:You must save and exit the session, and then re-open it before your changes will take effect.