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Create and populate a new project for the client programs

Create a folder structure and project for the client-side programs.
  1. Click File > New > Project > COBOL > Native > Console Application.
  2. Specify a name for your project such as CTGCLI.
  3. Specify a working folder in the Location field. This is the folder C:\CTG you specified in step 1 above.
  4. Select Add to solution in the Solution list, and ensure that the Create directory for solution checkbox is unchecked.
  5. Click OK. This creates a CTGCLI folder within your project working folder.
  6. Create the following folders in your CTGCLI directory:
    • cblcli
    • loadlib
  7. Finally, copy the COBOL client programs from your sample folder: %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\CICS\Classic\CTGDEMO\cblcli to your new cbcli directory above.
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