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Configure the client-side project and build

Complete the client-side project settings and import the COBOL source files.
  1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the name of your project - CTGCLI - and click Properties. This reveals the properties page for the CTGCLI project.
  2. On the Application page, click the Multiple Executables radio button.
  3. On the Dependency Paths page, you will need to specify the location of the CTG COBOL copybooks. These are distributed with the IBM CTG software. On the machine on which we wrote this demonstration, the copybooks were located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\ibm\CICS Transaction Gateway\copybook but this may not be the case in your own environment. The two copybook files we are interested in are: cicseci.cbl and cicsepi.cbl, and you may need to search for them on your machine to pinpoint their location.
  4. On the COBOL page, change the Output path field to .\loadlib.
  5. Enter the following into the Additional directives textbox: copyext(CBL, cbl, CPY, cpy) remove(namespace) hidemessage(1168)
  6. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the name of your project - CTGCLI - and click Add > Existing Item....
  7. Navigate to C:\CTG\CTGDEMO\cblcli, select both files: eci-call.cbl and epicli.cbl, and click Add to import them into your project.
  8. Click File > Save All to save your work (if the menu option is greyed out, then it has already been automatically saved).
  9. Click Build > Build Solution to build the solution. Verify that all programs have built successfully.
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