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The iFileshare Exit Procedure (ifsexitproc.cbl)

Enterprise Developer includes an exit procedure that is compatible with iFileshare. You can configure and deploy it to control the recovery and backup behavior within iFileshare high availability groups.

The exit procedure (ifsexitproc.cbl) can be located in the cpylib sub-directory of your install directory.

How to configure the behavior and some examples are described within the exit procedure itself. One recommended example would be to use the restart functionality to ensure that any primary server that has been disabled is restarted immediately; by default, on failing (for example: the server has experienced a run-time error and restarted), a primary server would be disabled, waiting for user invention.

We recommend that you use a batch or shell script for the restart process; this can then be used on other servers (if they ever get promoted to primary), to ensure consistent behavior throughout the group.

To deploy the exit procedure, compile the .cbl file to an executable file type, and then set the environment variable IFS_USER_EXIT to the path and file name of the executable. You should perform this on each server within the group. If you do not set the environment variable, iFileshare attempts to locate the exit procedure in the current working directory.

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