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Creating an Enterprise Server for a Mainframe-based Service

Explains the process of creating an enterprise server region to run mainframe-based CICS and IMS services created using the IMTK.

The best way to create any enterprise server region is from the Server Explorer in Visual Studio. This method enables you to select a template that populates the new enterprise server region with the parameters required to run the type of service associated with it, saving you time and effort.

Use the provided CICSTemplate.xml and IMSTemplate.xml Enterprise Server templates respectively to create new enterprise server regions for your CICS- and IMS-based services. See To create a new enterprise server for instructions.

Further configuration is generally required only if you intend to:

Dynamically debug your service from Enterprise Developer
In this case, you must configure the enterprise server instance by setting an Endpoint Address for the type of listener associated with the service interface type. For example, if your service interface is a Web service, set the endpoint address for the Web Services and J2EE listener.
Important: The port number in the endpoint address you specify must match the port number specified in the Service endpoint URL properties for the service interface. The default is 9003. For more information, see To set a fixed port in a listener endpoint address and the Service endpoint URL section in the Properties - Mainframe-based Service Interfaces topic.
Configure the timeout for a service interface
You can configure the time that the client waits for a response from a Web service by setting the ES_WS_RUNAWAY_TIMEOUT environment variable. ES_WS_RUNAWAY_TIMEOUT takes values between 0 and 65535 seconds. See To set a run-time environment variable from your Visual Studio project for details.
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