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MFDataTransferCtlr command

Executes the HCOSS Transfer Data tool from the command line.


{MFDataTransferCtlr | MFDataTransferCtlr16} DB2=DB2dsn; 
                                            [XLocal={TRUE | FALSE};] 
                                            [TRIG={TRUE | FALSE};] 
                                            [CONSTR={TRUE | FALSE};] 
                                            [ErrROW={TRUE | FALSE};] 
                                            [TYPELOG={CONSOLE | FILE | BOTH};]


The name of the command for SQL Server versions earlier than SQL Server 2016.
The name of the command for SQL Server 2016.
The name of a cataloged and registered DB2 data source.
The user ID required to access the DB2 data source specified by the DB2 parameter, if applicable.
The password required for the user ID specified by the U1 parameter, if applicable.
The name of a cataloged and registered SQL Server data source.
The user ID required to access the SQL Server data source specified by the SRV parameter. Not required when using Windows authentication.
The password required for the user ID specified by the U2 parameter, if applicable.
The name of a transfer data task file containing a list of tables to be transferred and the queries required to transfer the data. Do not specify a file extension. The file extension for a transfer data task file is .hcodtt. If the transfer data task file name contains spaces, surround it with a set of double quotes ("). You can create a transfer data task file using the UI version of the HCOSS Transfer Data tool, or you can create one manually in a text editor. If you create a transfer data task file using the UI version of the tool, its location is determined by the selection of either the Local or Shared button for the transfer data task. If you create a data transfer task file manually, you must store it in the \DataTasks subdirectory of either the directory specified by the Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option or the Shared HCOSS Directory HCOSS option.
Determines the location of the transfer data task file. Transfer data task files are stored in the \DataTasks subdirectory of either of the following, depending on the value specified:
TRUE Directory specified by the Local HCOSS Directory HCOSS option. Default.
FALSE Directory specified by the Shared HCOSS Directory HCOSS option.
Specifies whether or not to fire all triggers during the data transfer. Default is FALSE.
Specifies whether or not SQL Server performs all defined checks during the data transfer. Default is FALSE.
Specifies whether or not HCOSS logs errors encountered during the data transfer. Default is FALSE.
Sets the type of logging to perform. Defaults to the equivalent of the value specified for the Type of logging to do HCOSS option.


Before running this tool, be sure that the appropriate target tables exist in the SQL Server database.


MFDataTransferCtlr DB2=MVS91; SRV=HCODemo; X=LocalTransferList
MFDataTransferCtlr DB2=MVS91; SRV=HCODemo; X=SharedTransferList; XLocal=FALSE
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