Bind Plans tab
- Plan Name
- The name of a plan that you can bind to your application.
- Default Qualifier
- The name of a schema to use as the default qualifier for this plan. Optional.
- Packages
- Bind existing packages into the plan.
- DBRM Members
- Bind source members into the plan.
- DBRM Libraries
- Bind source libraries into the plan in the order they appear on the
Selected Libraries list, which represents the order in which HCOSS searches the libraries for DBRM members, using the first-found instance of a specified member.
- Add
- If the plan does not already exist in the SQL Server database, add it to the database.
- Replace
- Replace an existing plan of the same name with this plan.
- Revert
- Return all settings changed since opening the
Plans tab to their original settings.
- Name
- A search string on which to refine the options on the list below. You can use the wild-card character
% to represent any string or string fragment.
- Search
- Refine the options on the list below to those matching the search string in the corresponding
Name field.
- Available Collections
- List of collections available in the current SQL database. Available in
Packages mode only.
- Available Packages
- Packages included in the collection selected on the
Available Collections list. Available in
Packages mode only.
- Selected Packages
- Packages selected to add to or replace in the plan. Available in
Packages mode only.
- Available Members
- List of DBRM members available for binding into the plan. Available in
DBRM Members mode only.
- Selected Members
- Members selected to add to or replace in the plan. Available in
DBRM Members mode only.
- Available Libraries
- List of DBRM libraries available for binding into the plan. Available in
DBRM Libraries mode only.
- Selected Libraries
- Libraries selected to add to or replace in the plan. The order in which the libraries appear on this list determines the search order HCOSS uses to locate specified DBRM members. Available in
DBRM Libraries mode only.
- Add
- Add the items selected on the list or lists to the left to the list on the right.
- Remove
- Remove the items selected on the list to the right.
- Move Up
- Reposition the library selected on the
Selected Libraries list to appear before the libary listed just above it, changing the order in which the libraries are searched for DBRM members. Available in
DBRM Libraries mode only.
- Move Down
- Reposition the library selected on the
Selected Libraries list to appear after the libary listed just below it, changing the order in which the libraries are searched for DBRM members. Available in
DBRM Libraries mode only.
- Add to Script
- Generate a script line representing the settings on this tab, and add it to the list of bind script entries found on the
Bind Scripts tab.
- Execute
- Generate and execute a command representing the settings on this tab, thereby updating the SQL Server database, and generate a script line with a command representing the settings on this tab and add it to the list of bind script entries found on the
Bind Scripts tab.