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Add Adis Support to the Project

Add Adis support to your project to alter the default behavior of the enhanced ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements in Micro Focus COBOL.

Enterprise Developer ships with a version of Adis that contains a configuration intended for modernizing RM/COBOL applications.

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and select Add > Existing Item.
  2. Browse to %COBDIR%\etc\rm, then double-click ADISCTRL.
    Note: If the file is not displayed, to the right of the File name field, change the file type filter to display All Files (*.*).

    The file is added to the project, and is displayed in the Solution Explorer.

    Tip: You can drag the file into the project from Windows Explorer, and drop it on the project name to add it directly to the project.
  3. To verify that the correct Adis configuration is selected:
    1. Using an  Enterprise Developer command prompt, navigate to the project directory (that is, the directory containing ADISCTRL).
    2. Enter ADISCF.

      The adiscf.exe window appears.

    3. Press F6, then ensure that the RM2VCOB configuration is selected.

      See Appendix B - ADISCTRL settings for RM2VCOB, Appendix C - Adis key mappings for RM2VCOB, and Appendix D - Adis key function mapping for RM2VCOB for a full list of the settings.

    4. Press Esc twice to exit.
      Note: if you are prompted to exit without saving, press N, F4, then Esc twice again.
  4. To verify the correct build properties are set for Adis:
    1. In Solution Explorer, right-click ADISCTRL and select Properties.

      The properties for the file appear in the Properties pane.

    2. Ensure that:
      • Build Action is set to None.
      • Copy to Output Directory is set to Copy if newer.
  5. Click File > Save All to save the project.
The next step is to add the keyboard mappings familiar to RM/COBOL.
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