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Customizing the Reserved Words List

There are words that may be in your RM/COBOL source code that are reserved in Micro Focus COBOL; their presence will cause syntax errors unless you remove them from the reserved words list.

Use the directives file, MigrateRM.dir, that is supplied with your Enterprise Developer installation to remove any such words from the list. You can use this file with any RM/COBOL sources you are modernizing.

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and select Add > Existing Item.
  2. Browse to %COBDIR%\etc\rm, then double-click MigrateRM.dir.
    Note: If the file is not displayed, to the right of the File name field, change the file type filter to display All Files (*.*).

    The file is added to the project, and is displayed in the Solution Explorer.

    Tip: You can drag the file into the project from Windows Explorer, and drop it on the project name to add it directly to the project.
  3. The project properties should still be displayed from a previous step; if they are not, double-click Properties in the Solution Explorer, then select COBOL.
  4. To ensure the directives in the file are used by the project, in the Additional Directives box, type USE(MigrateRM.dir).
  5. Click File > Save All to save the project.

    The directives in the .dir file are applied to your project.

    The next task is to add Adis support to the project.

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