Information about the local and remote locations that are accessible to users is stored in a communications database called DSNDDF in the SYSTEM location. This database contains the tables described below.
Data is entered automatically in the appropriate tables whenever a location is created with the SQL CREATE command, the XDB Server menu system, or the XDB conversion program. If necessary, you can edit these tables.
Contains information needed by XDB Link for accessing DB2 locations on a mainframe. For more information about XDB Link, see the XDB Link User's Guide.
Contains information on the type of activities that can be performed by certain users during certain periods. See the SQLWizard User's Guide or on-line help for further information on governor features.
Contains information about each "local" location, including all locations defined under the XDB Server to which this SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS table belongs.
Contains information about all locations that are accessible for DUW and RUW processing including local locations in SYSXDB.SYSLOCALS, plus remote locations accessible using server-to-server connectivity and XDB Link. With DUW and RUW processing, any object that is referenced by a three-part name (location-name.authid.object-name) or a CONNECT command must have its location defined in this table. Remote locations may include mainframe DB2, DB2/VM or SQL/400 locations, or locations running under another XDB Server.
Contains information needed by XDB Link for accessing DB2 locations. Each row provides mainframe VTAM with conversation limits for a specific LUNAME/MODENAME combination.
Contains LUNAME information needed by XDB Link and server-to-server connectivity. The table defines the name of each XDB Server if using server-to-server connectivity, or the name of the mainframe Logical Unit (LU) for one or more accessible DB2 systems if using the XDB Link. The names identified here are the same names identified in the LINKNAME column of the SYSIBM.SYSLOCATIONS catalog table.
Maintained for compatibility with DB2. Not used on XDB Server, but on the mainframe contains information for associating a MODENAME with any conversations created to support an outgoing SQL request.
Contains user information needed by XDB Link for processing requests to and from a DB2 location, and for processing requests to other XDB Servers using XDB's server-to-server connectivity. Each row is used to carry out either an outbound or inbound ID translation or both.